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  1. M

    MPW: Adding header files to makefile

    Hello. I am new to MPW. I don't know how to build an SIOW application in C++ if I have to add one or two classes. It seems that I would have to edit the .make file to be able to have my classes recognized in my main source program. I don't much know about makefiles neither. I'm used to have...
  2. M

    Xtools: problem with installation

    Where about is it? Is it with the three main CDs, in one of the packages?
  3. M

    Xtools: problem with installation

    Hi Lurk, Did you download it from: ? Because I didn't find any Xcode_1.1.dmg there just Xcode_1.1.dmg.bin. I think this bin file is the problem. Could you or anybody upload it somewhere for me? or tell me where to get it...
  4. M

    Xtools: problem with installation

    Well, only the segments are available online, and if you want them to send you snail, you have to pay the yearly $ 500. I tried changing the extension: 1. dmgpart: Message: Not recognized. 2. dmg.bin: unable do decompress.
  5. M

    Xtools: problem with installation

    Hi I've downloaded the 21 segments of the Xtools installer but I am unable to mount it. Whereas from 002 to 021 the files come with dmgpart as extension 001 comes with dmg.bin and StuffIt won't decompress it (because it "doesn't appear to be compressed or encoded"). If I try to mount other...
  6. M

    PHP not working since Panther

    Thanks octane, the answer was simple, just needed to: sudo chmod g-w / We are supposed to do that after upgrading the OS. I knew but forgot. Has to to with priviledges stuff. Thanks everybody.
  7. M

    PHP not working since Panther

    Still doesn't work. Do you think it could be MySQL related?
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    PHP not working since Panther

    I restarted the computer, does that mean I restarted Apache?
  9. M

    PHP not working since Panther

    sudo pico worked fine. Look what I did: 1. Uncomment "Load Module php4_module" line. 2. Uncomment "AddModule mod_php4.c" line. 3. Added this line at the end "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php" line. That's all I could find in httpd.conf.applesaved that was different from httpd.conf...
  10. M

    PHP not working since Panther

    Ok, just how do I do that. I was told to use the edit command but that doesn't seem to work: [Marcellos-Computer:~] marcello% edit /etc/httpd/httpd.conf tcsh: edit: Command not found. Thank you.
  11. M

    PHP not working since Panther

    I have just upgraded to Panther and my invoicing program (done with PHP/MySQL) stopped working. I think it's related to the fact that I had previously defined a root password, and with the change it expired (?). I don't know. The root password was in every script to connect with the database...