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  1. B

    Compiling Unix software

    Also, check out the fink project A number of contributors have ported / are porting, unix software to MacOSX. It makes Unix installation easy as it handles all the dependencys. Cheers, Brooke ::alien::
  2. B

    tar and permission problem

    Back to your original question, wouldn't the problem be that you don't have read permission on the files in question? Try running as root with 'sudo' eg. 'sudo tar cvf ...'. Cheers, Brooke :p
  3. B

    Technology and Environmental Issues Thread

    I don't have a comment on this topic but to say I support any means to reuse and recycle to stop the terrible situation our consumer-based society is causing. Onya people who are already doing something positive! Cheers, Brooke ::love::
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    Networking in Unix?

    Hi Peacebomb, Once the macs are on a network, you could: 1) Enable telnet or ssh on one machine so then you could access it through the telnet/ssh applications - only use ssh if you are open to the internet 2) 'talk' to the other machine - a unix protocol that happens in the primary...
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    Starting my modem from the command line

    I used to use an application called Kermit (I think it was) back in the System 6/7 days. It opened an effective shell to the modem so you could type 'atdt 02 6474 4722' (attention and dial tone <#>). I'm sure there must be a command-line tool that starts an interactive session like with telnet.
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    How to run a script at startup?

    You are trying to run a shell script that doesn't need to be a service (in which case you'd put it in /System/Library/Startupitems). So you can simply put the call to the sh file in your .bashrc if bash is your shell, or .tcshrc/.cshrc if tshell or cshell is you shell. If it sets env vars...
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    HOW TO: start your default web browser with one unix command

    Or you could setup your site (/Users/<you>/Site == http://localhost/~you. Create and index.html page and at its simplist create a list of all the pages you are createing with anchor links to them. Then work on your html files that are in ..../Sites/<optional subdirs>. This way you can use...
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    Qn: Interface Builder -> Java code

    Gidday all, I'm new to Project/Interface Builder and Java. I would like to build a GUI in Java and thought it would be cool if you could build the interface in Interface Builder and have Java code created from that. Is there any tool to do this? This java code would be used on non-OSX...
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    fink config problem

    You can start by finding what files are being sourced. For every .rc file insert a start message at the start and end message at the end: echo Start of _______ file .. echo End of _______ file and so then you can see which files are being used and also if any of these files is firing...
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    Some changes for 10.3

    UNIX has the underpinnings to do this so there should not be much of an issue for Apple to implement it. Pretend than on the OSX machine 'Tiger', there are the users fred and bill. Fred logs in and then in a terminal window, bill can be given that terminal window with: $ su - bill...
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    users/ I think I broke my imac on the first day

    The problem was caused because each user has a userid, and under the unix permissions system everything is owned by a user. When you deleted the user, all those items became orphaned. I'm not a unix sysadmin but I believe that normally when a user leaves a company, their account will be...
  12. B

    What happened to Apple Discussions forum board?

    Thanks, cool. That is almost impossible to find. Why wouldn't there be a link to this from where the mailing lists are introduced. Apple's site is one of the most difficult to navigate sometimes. Cheers, Brooke :D
  13. B

    What happened to Apple Discussions forum board?

    Howdy all, I used to participate in the Apple Discussions forum, which was exactly the same as this though hosted by Apple. I 'dissappeared' for a while and when I came back to look for it, it could no longer be found. I'm just wondering what happened to it - does anybody know? Cheers...
  14. B

    Some changes for 10.3

    Gidday folks, My first post to this forum. Window Manager Enhancements Be able to resize a window from any border like every other GUI/Window Mgr Virtual Desktops such as in KDE. Perhaps the one Dock can span these desktops. Dock Enhancements "Alt-Tab" selects most recently used...