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  1. O

    download ps-file to printer

    thanks, it works great!
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    download ps-file to printer

    hi folks! i want to download a ps (postscript) file to a printer. the printer is already installed in the printcenter. how can i do that?
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    forwarding system-logs to a specified email adress

    and now, which syntax i have to use for an automated mail? sample: mail -s Test i want to send a body text automatically. how can i do this?
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    forwarding system-logs to a specified email adress

    thanks, now it runs. finally i have downloaded the file "keep sendmail happy", searched via now, every time on a startup the mac fixes the permissions, also when i get an update... thanks a lot for all help!
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    forwarding system-logs to a specified email adress

    thanks. but when i type sudo /System/Library/StartupItems/Sendmail/Sendmail start i get the following error: 451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/ line 93: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/local-host-names': Group writable directory what can i do?
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    forwarding system-logs to a specified email adress

    now, another question (thanks for all help): i want to set up my mac to automatically send system-logs to my email-adress. now, i have heard about the .forward file in the root-directory. so i have replaced the /dev/null/ by typing my email adress i have tested the...
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    local ip adress

    hello folks, who knows a different command to show the local ip-adress on en0? i alwalys use "ifconfig", but i get so much informations i dont need...
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    psync doesn't work!

    uuuuh, all right. i have missunterstood your posting. how can i decrease my mistake ? thanks for your support...
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    psync doesn't work!

    thanks for your answer. now when i open a new terminal window i get the following messages: /usr/share/tcsh/examples/rc: Permission denied. /usr/share/tcsh/examples/login: Permission denied. psync doesn't run by typing commands in the terminal...
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    psync doesn't work!

    i have already installed psync on my mac, i can use psyncx an carbon copy cloner with synchronizing volumes, thats no problem. but when i want to start a psync prozess by typing in the terminal sudo psync / /Volumes/target it says, the command psync was not found. i also can't look the...
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    mount image on terminal

    thanks! it works great (like all the other things on x!) ogg
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    mount image on terminal

    hi, how can i mount a diskimage (.img or .dmg) on the terminal? thanks for all! ogg
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    password-protect a tar or zip archiv

    but i want to make it in the terminal. (scripting)
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    password-protect a tar or zip archiv

    theres really no way?
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    password-protect a tar or zip archiv

    i want to protect my tar or zip archiv with a password. is there a way to do that? or do i need another compress-utility in terminal? thanks for all!
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    automatically upload files to a ftp-server

    Thanks to gumse, great it works! another question: how can i password-protect my tar-file? is there a way with zip, compress or anything else?
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    automatically upload files to a ftp-server

    i have downloaded the ncftp-package (listed on and used the ncftpput command, it rocks! very simple, more powerfull than the default ftp-client in os x.
  18. O

    automatically upload files to a ftp-server

    i want to create a shell-script to automatically upload a litte tar-archiv to the webserver. i have typing the following command: ftp -u ftp://[ip-adress] user [username] password [mypassword] /source/archiv.tar /target/archiv.tar it doesn't work! can anyone give me some help? thanks!