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  1. Z

    Find on External Drive

    I've limited my Spotlight searches to the default HD disk only. However, by doing so I am unable to search or create smart folders on any other external drive. Is there a work around to this?
  2. Z


    well do tell
  3. Z


    Does anyone know of a keyboard/mouse that is (1) bluetooth (2) doesn't require a dongle (3) mac compatible (4) not made from Apple i've been searching forever for something like this. The apple keyboard/mouse suck for the reasons that they keyboard keys stick after a few months, and the scroll...
  4. Z

    error in script

    Point well taken. I'm just doing what the manual tells me to do. As an extra it asked the reader to create their own script using the previous lesson as a guide. Which caused my dilemma. An important thing for me to learn is understanding stderr outputs. Among other things. But I've only been...
  5. Z

    error in script

    excellent.. it worked. I'm still very new in the Unix world. It will take me some time to learn the basic scripts for bash thanx again
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    error in script

    Hey guys... Maybe one of you can help me on this. I've created a script that closes a specified application the script is titled close() and is the following: close() { kill $(ps -xc | grep -i $* | awk '{print}') ;} I saved this file in the ~/.bashrc file. The ~/.bash_profile calls the...
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    NetInfo Manager

    interestingly, even though you can unlock with a standard password OS X doesn't let you actually modify with out proper privileges
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    NetInfo Manager

    In the process of learning Unix I've discovered that a standard user account can modify global settings in NetInfo i.e. changing passwords and settings in other user accounts, etc... Is this normal? It doesn't sound normal
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    Newbie question

    I'm in the process of learning Unix.. so when I at least reach an intermediate level I will post my thoughts. So far I've learned moving around in the bash interface and have learned to open, move, copy and delete files/apps. In a way the bash interface has replaced Quicksilver
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    Missing System Fonts.- How to Reestore Them???

    just to give you some guidance OS X has two directories for fonts one in the system /Libraries/Fonts and one specific to each user /Users/"user_name"/fonts. The reason you have two folders is as follows. In the system folder OS X uses these fonts to operate the system such as icons, menus...
  11. Z

    Newbie question

    I'm a Mac user and relatively new to the Unix world. I would like the experienced users to explain the benefits of learning Unix in a Mac environment. I'm sure they're plenty. Learning Unix is by far harder than pointing and clicking on graphical O/S. Just want to see the light at the end of...