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  1. C

    PowerMac G5 won't boot

    Will not boot into single user mode. Will not boot into verbose mode. No combination of RAM will change the problem and it works fine in another G5. It also passes ASD hardware tests. The local Apple Service Center says that the Logic Board is failing and suggested getting another one since...
  2. C

    PowerMac G5 won't boot

    I am working on a friend's PowerMac G5 and it won't boot into OSX no matter what I try. It is a Dual 2.0 with 4GB RAM. It chimes, comes up to the grey screen with the Apple and freezes there. I have run ASD 2.5.7 on it and it passes all hardware tests. I cannot get it to zap the PRAM...
  3. C

    DHCP Problems with Windows XP

    I am having the exact same issue and have found several other descriptions of this problem but no solutions to the problem. I have OSX server 10.4.11 on an XServe routing through an Airport base station configured as a network access point (DHCP disabled). All of my Macs can connect to the DHCP...
  4. C

    New Bonjour printing problem

    Yes, they are on the same subnet and the drivers are all installed correctly. The computers 'see' the printer, can send to the printer, the printer responds like it is going to print, but then the process vaporizes and no output comes from the printer. It's the wierdest thing. Both CUPS and the...
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    New Bonjour printing problem

    Well, I got the Macs on the office network to talk to the printer (a Canon iR5000 digital copier with network capability) and they are all happy. The problem now is the WinBoxes in the system (all XP). They see the printer just fine, the drivers all installed fine, but they won't print. The...
  6. C

    Bonjour printing and Leopard

    I found the solution to a similar problem with Bonjour and network printing, see my post here. Later, Joe
  7. C

    Bonjour printing problem: Solved

    As promised, here is the actual lines of the CUPS server configuration file that I changed. <Location /> Allow From All Allow From # Allow shared printing and remote administration... Order allow,deny Allow @LOCAL </Location> The second line 'Allow From All' used to say...
  8. C

    Bonjour printing problem: Solved

    I learned something new this week and thought I'd share the experience for others who have had this problem. I was trying to set up a network printer for my office using an iMac connected to the printer, setting it for sharing, and letting the other computers print through Bonjour. The problem...
  9. C

    Power Mac G5 Will Not Turn On

    Does the LED do anything when you press the power button? If it is coming on when you press the button, does it start flashing? Later, Joe
  10. C

    Powermac G5 dual 2.0 fan problem

    As I said, it's spotless inside. The only thing I haven't done is pull the CPU heat sinks to check the PS area to make sure it's clean, but the temps aren't outrageous so I don't think this is the problem. The problem is constant, power the machine up and the fans go to high. They don't ramp...
  11. C

    Powermac G5 dual 2.0 fan problem

    Yes, I have ASD 2.5.7 and ran it in OF mode. There is no override to run the calibration anyway. It says that calibration isn't required and the only option is to quit calibration to return to the OF diagnostic window. I do not have access to ASD 2.5.8. Thanks, Joe
  12. C

    Powermac G5 dual 2.0 fan problem

    I just bought a Powermac G5 dual 2.0 (June 2004) with 4GB (aftermarket) RAM on eBay that has the 'constant on' fan problem. I have run every series of tests and tricks that I found on the internet and it is still stuck. The machine runs flawlessly, all benchmark tests that I have performed have...
  13. C

    Jaguar install problem on Beige

    Got it to work!!! For some reason the Jag installer must not include a component to recognize the Gossamer G3 processor. I picked up a copy of OSX and OS10.1 and tried running through the upgrade path and all installed fine. At this point, Jaguar 10.2.3 has been running happily on the Beige...
  14. C

    Jaguar install problem on Beige

    Ok, I found something new... while waiting for OSX to install after reformatting the HD (again) I decided to open the installer log. The first two lines might be my problem. What they said was: ERROR: Could not read archive file. - pax: End of archive volume 1 reached - ERROR: Could not...
  15. C

    Jaguar install problem on Beige

    No, it was a clean install. I waited until Jag came out to get OSX so I don't have another version. I'll see if I can find someone around here who has a copy of OSX. Thanks, Joe
  16. C

    _jaguar hangs with grey apple screen

    I'm having the same problem on my Beige G3 MT. I formatted and partitioned the HD into a 7.5/2.5/8GB format and it will load the CD and run the installer, but when it finishes installation it reboots to the gray screen with the white 'smudged' error box. By smudged I mean it crosses the...
  17. C

    Jaguar install problem on Beige

    Ok, it's been about a month and I've moved forward somewhat... I formatted and partitioned the HD into a 7.5/2.5/8GB format and changed out the ROM to the Rev C $77D.45F2 version. Now it will load the CD and run the installer, but when it finishes installation it reboots to the same gray...
  18. C

    Jaguar install problem on Beige

    Tell me more about the firmware update... I was under the impression that you couldn't update the firmware of the Beige. According to the System Profiler, the ROM revision is $77D.40F2 Is this compatible with Jaguar? Later, Joe
  19. C

    Jaguar install problem on Beige

    Hi, This is my first post here...I have a G3 266, with 576 RAM, 20 GB IDE HD. I have OS 9.2.1 installed on it and am trying to install Jaguar. When I try to install, it reboots to the CD and then freezes on the grey screen with the dark grey apple. A white streak appearrs across the center...