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  1. H

    eject CD/unmount iDisk - total hang of OS X!!

    First of al james, order 2 of your favorite drinks... thanx in advance :) I don't know this specific problem, but i just wanna say that OS X crashes rarely. What i mean : when your mac has a valid Ip number and you can connect an other mac with an IP number in the same range, start a telnet...
  2. H

    Toast Titanium 5.1P1 Not Working

    like soapvox says : it's just a beta, a preview, don't expect to much. (though it's working for me on my white ibook 500 mhz, and indeed, i'll have to restart the mac before the CD mounts)
  3. H

    Problems deleting files

    Eventhough you're logged in as root check the privilegs of your hard drive and change them if needed. The first thing i did after installing OS X is enabling the root user in NetInfo, restarting as root and giving all possible privileges to anyone on this planet to my hard drive. This will...
  4. H

    I'm not sure what to call this...

    and i thougt i saw about everything... never seen it. Kind of strange i think because i refuse to work in OS 9 for,... whatever, to long ago (okay, not on the job, i'll have to work in OS 9, shame on me). Seems like a cosmetical problem. What's your current version of OS X ? if it aint...
  5. H

    Beware! I Lost Everything!

    i'm sorry to say you made the no. 1 mistake : don't compare OS 9 (and whatever was released before...) to OS X. It's totally different ! Okay, so the interface of OS 9 compared to OS X won't seem so completely strange, but that's all. Everything changed, we've got the Unix layer (kernel...
  6. H


    thnx dude, looks like you're that one soul... ;)
  7. H

    How nice

    OS X Server, the final release... :mad: not even close. I've spend the last couple of days configuring an OS X server with NetBoot and/or NetInfo and i can say that Apple made some mistakes releasing (and selling) this product at this moment. Just a peek at the problems i encountered ...
  8. H


    Okay, probably old news, but who cares, maybe there's one soul i can reach :p When minimizing (to much i's ?...) a finder window hold the Shift key s l o w m o t i o n b a b y ! (works the other way to)
  9. H

    Original OSX Server - need help big time!!!

    That's right ! "? no dev" means it can't find your hard disk or the system software on it. So the first thing to try is what Arin says (while booting in single user mode !) And pray on you bare knees...
  10. H

    OS X to OS X Server Upgrade

    Just [don't] do it, or you'll be sorry forever. Backup you current data, install OSX server, put the data back on.
  11. H

    battery meter in OS 9 gone

    in classic trashing my prefs did it for me in os x the "additional dockings" (or something like that) have to be in "applications". then open the docking folder and move the battery meter to the dock
  12. H


    THere are so many things to try, to much really - is appletalk still active - are other network devices still available in OS X - did you check the settings in print center - reconfigure the printer in print center - etc - etc
  13. H

    Wierd Crashing

    Thrust me : If you want to work with OS X you'll need a lot more memory than 64 MB, say 256 MB will come a lot closer to running it smoothly. Also a rev. A iMac will perform not to good with OS X. I won't say buying more memory will solve your problem, but it will make life a lot less...
  14. H

    switching between 9.1 and X

    What kind of machine are we talking about ? When we're talking about a machine supporting dual USB or dual Boot, just restart you're mac and hold the option key (alt) and just choose. There's also the option to download SystemDisk on, but it didn'twork for me
  15. H

    Win2k and Mac Network Connection problem

    Mac OS X uses NFS, Networking File System. On a system you want to connect to, NFS has to be enabled to see it in your "Connect to server" screen. If NFS as used in OS X is not supported on the other end (eg a PC as described, so you'll need a third party app, like"sharity" i don't know...
  16. H

    Can't delet file...

    To prevent this (not able te delete, rename, copy or whatever) in the future do the following : - Startup NetInfoManager - Go to domain and the submenu authenticate - authenticate - go back to domain now the submenu enable root-user and enter a password - you've now enabled the root user...
  17. H

    Harddrive clicking noise OX X only.

    It's very strange this only happens in OS X, because all i know about clicking noises (and i thougt that was enough) is that your hd is on it's way to die on you.... :( You said it doesn't happen in OS 9, and only happens in OS X after starting some apps. But what if you are starting...