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  1. pigdog

    best browser for a scroll speed fanatic?

    This is increased the speed for me in all browsers. It's just overhead you don't need, especially on a G3. I even find IE pretty good.
  2. pigdog

    Jag and Radeon 8500 and window resize is lousy???!!! Please help!

    I second this. Showing the contents of the window while resizing is completely useless and waste of CPU processing. I would pay to get rid of it if someone came out with an app to disable it. Why can't Apple just concentrate on developing a stable & snappy OS and leave the pretty stuff...
  3. pigdog

    Stickies gone crazy!

    I was doing quite a large job and was noting all the time spent and changes I was making. Then gone one day!! (replaced with the standard garble) I was going to use the bloody notes to do all my invoicing. Never again.
  4. pigdog

    Ugly un-smoothed fonts!

    Thank-you scope. I'm getting so flustered with the way the non-smoothed fonts look that I can't even express myself properly! Let this post now be known as "Ugly non-smoothed fonts".
  5. pigdog

    Ugly un-smoothed fonts!

    Apologies, I buggered up the link. Here it is... Thanks Nick
  6. pigdog

    Ugly un-smoothed fonts!

    Hi All In an attempt to reduce overhead in OSX, I've disabled font smoothing for fonts 12 in size and under. The smaller un-smoothed fonts are now horrid and run into eachother. Check the image out Could this simply be a corrupt font? I've been...
  7. pigdog

    Looking for a network Time Sheet Application

    Yeh, all valid points. If you know something about php/mysql already, it's probably best to go with that. However if you're not famiiar with either, from experience, I've found FileMaker much faster to develop in. But then again Filemaker will cost you a few $'s, where as php/mysql cost...
  8. pigdog

    Looking for a network Time Sheet Application

    Why not go for FileMaker Pro 5.5? Use that on your OSX machine and build a web interface for the clients. I've made quite a few solutions like this and it works quite well. It's quite easy to learn CDML to create the web interface. Or use FileMaker's can build an interface for you based on...
  9. pigdog

    Window Resizing & More

    Hi All After purchasing an 600 iBook this year(running OSX), I haven't looked back. It's become my top choice of OS. Though I do have one gripe and three questions. * The gripe * I've read the posts I could find about the the sluggishness of finder/application window resizing. It...