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  1. dadidoe

    Can't open an Application

    Yes I guess you are right. But do delete the pref file if the app works without it fine.
  2. dadidoe

    Can't open an Application

    or maybe even delete the preference files of the apps that dont work if they cause too much trouble
  3. dadidoe

    I want to configure my mouse.

    You need to check if the maker of your mouse is offering software/drivers for it (Mac). If they don't I'm afraid you can't configure the buttons. Maybe check the Preference Pane for Mice. There may be some options there.
  4. dadidoe

    Help with GarageSale Problem?

    Check the adress registered on Ebays settings, it needs you to use the adress you pay them fees with, so double check the payment settings.
  5. dadidoe

    ERROR MESSAGE (u can't login to the user account "name" at this time)

    Ok do not panic.Insert the Mac Osx Cd and boot from it.Then in the menu choose reset password and it should regenerate your password file.If you still cannot login I'd recommend a system restore,which can also be performed via the Mac Osx Dvd. Hope this helps!
  6. dadidoe

    Can't open iMovie '08 :(

    Did you ever disconnect a camera while it was loading it? Maybe try deleting the preference file of iMovie,if that won't work,reinstall iLife.
  7. dadidoe

    XCode snapshots, disk usage and Time Machine

    When I snapshot WriteIt 3(Project=200MB,Snapshot 350MB),it's about double the size of the actual project .There may be some invisible files but I am sure this is normal. I don't use time machine,so I don't know about that.
  8. dadidoe

    Fonts in Popup

    Hi, I'm trying to insert the names of all avaible fonts into a popup and do the same with text size. On the class reference I found availableFontFamilies but I do not know how to use it. Could someone give me an example?
  9. dadidoe


    I have changed the code to- (void)display { //[NSApplication applicationIconImage]; NSDockTile *dock = [NSApp dockTile]; [dock setShowsApplicationBadge:YES]; [dock setBadgeLabel:@"3.0"]; [dock display]; } but still the badge won't get displayed... help please..
  10. dadidoe


    I have a NSDock Tile, which looks the following: - (void)setBadgeLabel:(NSString *)string { NSDockTile *tile = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] dockTile]; [tile setBadgeLabel:@"3.0"]; } There is no error/warning displayed but out of some reason there is no badge on my apps icon...
  11. dadidoe

    iPod is synced to old computer and wont sync to new computer.

    You can transfer your purchased songs from the iPod by using "Transfer my purchased Songs" in the File Menu, but I don't think you can do that with all the other songs. It is saying this because it was connected to a different iTunes library (in this case your mom's) and now you want to sync...
  12. dadidoe

    Have I killed my iTouch

    It will erase all data from your iPod, but since it's all on iTunes, a sync will bring it all back.
  13. dadidoe


    Thank you very much, it is all working now:)
  14. dadidoe


    Managed to do it with NSDictionary, but i have one problem. [plist writeToFile:@"/file.plist" atomically:YES]; It wirites the file, but i need it to go to user/library. How can I do that? I mean not everyone's called David?
  15. dadidoe


    maybe use NSDictionary to change the 2 BOOLs? how i don't really know..
  16. dadidoe


    Yes!! The checkboxes now do get ticked indeed. The Bindings that the checkboxes have don't though. The checkboxes are meant to activate a BOOL value, which they do when checked manually but don't when the serial have been entered. Why are the bindings ignored in this case?
  17. dadidoe


    ok this has partly worked. Yes, I defined the outlets here: IBOutlet NSButton *checkboxserial; IBOutlet NSButton *checkboxlimit; then set the state: - (void)setState:(NSInteger)sender { [checkboxlimit setState:NSOffState]; //unchecks the box } but I am receiving 2 errors...
  18. dadidoe


    I will try this tomorrow...hope it works,it's the onliest thing missing in my apps licence dialog before release:) I see you use mycheckbox as the name.Do I need to name the checkbox in the .h file or give it a Tag in interface builder?
  19. dadidoe


    i'm new to cocoa, could you maybe give me an example? because - (void)setState:(NSInteger)value does not tell me much. I have 2 checkboxes that need to be checked or unchecked (don't care what way). any help is greatly apprechiated
  20. dadidoe


    ok change of question. How can I make a CheckBox get ticked via objective c?