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  1. dadidoe

    Installer application paradox

    Has this happened with every *pkg you have used? If it does not work with any pkgs then you can reinstall the installer from the Leopard Disc.
  2. dadidoe

    iBook will not boot

    Don't you get a restore CD with every Apple Computer? I got 2 for my G3 Pismo...
  3. dadidoe

    powerbook battery sleep below 70% charge

    I had the same issue on my PowerBook Pismo G3. The problem was the had died because i charged it even if there still was 80% in it, so the Jojo effect was dissrupted and caused error you have. Needed to replace the battery:(
  4. dadidoe


    I have the following NSRunAlertPanel: NSRunInformationalAlertPanel(@"The Serial provided was correct!", @"Thank you for registering WriteIt!.Keep your serial,name you registered with and e-mail you registered at a safe place, it may be needed later. Have fun using WriteIt!", @"OK", nil, nil)...