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  1. S

    Beta Testers Needed. Now!

    I made the coloring and transparency adjustable this afternoon. Here's a screenshot: The one in the upper left is the default appearance. there's now preferences for a default appearance, and appearance can be adjusted for the individual...
  2. S


    My guess would be a problem of case. - like it's sending in "RTF" and that's not getting accepted as "rtf". I'd just add a printf("%s\n", [aType cString]) on the line above the assertion in loadDataRepresentation and see what it's actually sending in.
  3. S

    Beta Testers Needed. Now!

    Whitesaint: I got through about a page of the human interface guidelines before I decided, "screw it man, I've been using computers my whole life - I know what stuff's supposed to look like". It appears I may have been optimistic though :-) Customizable coloring sounds good, and I'll...
  4. S

    English explanation for "nil"!?

    nil is the same thing as null if you've run into that before. it is valid to say myfloat = nil to set it to zero, but nil is intended more as a sentinal value for object pointers. Like a NSString* value is actually a pointer to the object, so when you say "myString =nil", you're setting...
  5. S

    Beta Testers Needed. Now!

    First, thanks to both of you for looking at it. seb2: The save as menu is the one apple designed - I just overrode the datarepresentationoftype method, so to get rid of that part, I'd have to tell it to only save-as in .sps and do .csv in some separate import/export thing. That might be...
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    understanding objective c

    - (NSData *)dataRepresentationOfType:(NSString *)aType Breakdown: (NSData *) This is the return type. The * means that it's a pointer to an NSData. The difference between a pointer and just a variable is a pretty big topic though. Reading some normal C tutorials would probably explain that...
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    Beta Testers Needed. Now!

    Hey, some may remember I had a spreadsheet program a few weeks ago. Well, it's back and it's beefed up. Huge-like. Anyway, I'm hoping to get it done in time to submit it for Apple's Student Developer Design Awards thing on the first of March, so I could use some help testing it. What do...
  8. S

    free spreadsheet program

    hey, I wrote a pretty simple spreadsheet program in the last two days cuz I couldn't find a free one on versiontracker. I have no bandwidth so I'm not putting up a direct link, so if you want it send an email to and I'll tell you where to download. Anyway, the program...