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  1. J

    Wallstreet Powerbook Os 9.1 Wake Problem

    hi dfa, it was a g3/233 "wallstreet". i upgraded to 512mb ram when i put in the new processor and hard drive a couple of years ago. it has always handled 8.6 perfectly. i have 6 partitions on my 20G hard drive. two partitions have os's on them; 8.6 on one and 9.1 on another. i seem to have...
  2. J

    Wallstreet Powerbook Os 9.1 Wake Problem

    i though it might be the sonnet card too so i wrote to sonnet and they replied that it is unlikely as the card is designed with sleep enabled machines in mind. i tried to reset the pmu but the time and date did not reset. do the time and date always reset when the pmu is reset? if not is...
  3. J

    Wallstreet Powerbook Os 9.1 Wake Problem

    i have been running os 8.6 on my wallstreet powerbook with a sonnet g4/500 processor upgrade for a couple of years without problem. i installed 9.1 on a separate partition on my 20g hard drive and it ran ok too until i downloaded and installed 9.2.1 and then 9.2.2. and the computer began to...