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  1. M

    Phishing & out of date certificates

    I'm not certain that I found the problem. but I think I'm getting down to it. I must have a variant of the trojan mentioned by Mikuro. I followed the link that he posted and followed the directions. But I'm unable to shutdown anything. It restarts almost immediately. I've managed to...
  2. M

    Phishing & out of date certificates

    Mikuro, thanks for the information re the trojan. As soon as I finish posting here, I'll check out the info, as that may very well be what I have going on. I'm unable to update my router using I've tried to modify some settings, but then I'm unable to log in, and I've had to...
  3. M

    Phishing & out of date certificates

    Thank you. Hopefully this will resolve my problems!
  4. M

    Phishing & out of date certificates

    I posted here when I first got my mac because I had been hacked using windows, and was still paranoid. You calmed my fears and I've felt safe until recently. Hopefully, you can either calm my fears again, or help me resolve my problems. Both of my kids use Windows and have gotten horrible...
  5. M

    Safari icon in dock with question mark

    I tried that, but that didn't work either. In fact, in my apps folder Safari doesn't have the compas icon, but it has the application icon.
  6. M

    Safari icon in dock with question mark

    My Safari icon in the dock had a ? when I clicked it. I removed it from the dock, started Safari from the applications folder, selected "keep in dock", but now it's an application icon, and not the compass icon. Any ideas?
  7. M

    LAN connection problem

    I have a mac-mini and 2 windows xp computers connected to a linksys wired router. Both windows computers connect to the internet as soon as IE opens. However my mac doesn't connect right away. It wants to wait for some reason. I've tried it both with and without a static ip address. Once...
  8. M

    Which browser for banking website?

    Ok, I finally got Safari to work. Thanks!
  9. M

    Which browser for banking website?

    I tried that, but it still doesn't work.
  10. M

    Which browser for banking website?

    My bank requires IE or Netscape. I have 10.4.9 Intel and Safari doesn't work at this site. I haven't been able to find another browser that works.
  11. M

    How to turn off sounds in webpages

    Can anyone tell me how to prevent music from playing when I access certain webpages? It's really annoying when I go to some pages and suddenly loud music (that I'd never in a million years listen to) comes on. I know with IE there's an option to turn it off or on, but I don't know how with...
  12. M

    Sideways Video

    Ok, that worked! I wasn't able to get the iMovie plugins to work. I've learned my lesson there! Y'all provide an awesome service! Thanks!
  13. M

    Sideways Video

    Thank you! I was getting a crick in my neck!
  14. M

    Sideways Video

    Oops! I took video with my digital camera and held my camera sideways. It didn't occur to me that now my video would play sideways! So, is there a way to rotate it? Thanks!
  15. M

    Read mail receipt

    That's funny because I really hate them too. I sell on ebay, and I have a buyer that keeps emailing asking how much he owes as if I haven't answered several times. I would really like to know if he's getting my mail or just buying time! Another customer isn't responding either, so I'm just...
  16. M

    Read mail receipt

    How can I get a receipt to find out if my mail has been received or read?
  17. M

    Why do pics on a website show up as odd text?

    That worked! Thank you!
  18. M

    Why do pics on a website show up as odd text?

    I somehow missed the post from MisterMe who said he only saw gibberish too. Can anyone else read this site??
  19. M

    Why do pics on a website show up as odd text?

    It's not my webpage, but one I'd like to view.
  20. M

    Why do pics on a website show up as odd text?

    I'm sure you all think I'm stupid, but it's not image files that I'm having problems with. All of my image files open properly, except for the ones on this webpage.