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  1. zra

    Airport & usb printer sharing

    I don't mean to send anyone on a wild goose chase. I recall having to check something when I set up a friend's Airport Base Station a year ago. Until I did, his machine was not visible via Appletalk over Airport and the wired Appletalk network wasn't visible to his Airport connected Mac. I don't...
  2. zra

    Airport & usb printer sharing

    I recall that there was some check box in the Airport base station that you needed to check to allow Appletalk, but it wasn't called "Allow Appletalk" I forget what it's called but that could be part of it. If you turn on File Sharing on the machine that the machine is connected to & share it's...
  3. zra

    basic fax questions

    You shouldn't have any trouble using your modem along side DSL since it's the TCP/IP control panel is what determines what device is used when accessing things via a TCP protocol. as long as you TCP/IP control panel is set to Ethernet, all TCP apps will ignore the modem. Similarly your fax...
  4. zra

    [FAQ] - 802.11b networking

    I have a D-Link DWL-1000ap wireless hub and a Hawking Router. I had the router before I bought my Powerbook, I added the Wireless hub later. I use these with my Powerbook via internal Airport card, I was also able to easily get my friend's Powerbook on my network with his PCMCIA Lucent 802.11b...
  5. zra

    Mental block :p -- name that software

    There's also a freeware classic app called Iconmacher, available via Versiontracker.