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  1. C

    32" LCD widescreen setup resolution

    Looks like I have a new TV for the lounge room :) Those F%$@ers at the store gave me bad information. I might go and rent a dvd now....for my new widescreen TV. Thanks for your advice. Chris
  2. C

    32" LCD widescreen setup resolution

    I'm using the standard Video card that came with my G5. here's the blurb: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 LE and GeForce 6600 Standard Power Mac G5 configurations come with the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 LE with 128MB of GDDR SDRAM or the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 with 256MB of GDDR SDRAM. These cards provide...
  3. C

    32" LCD widescreen setup resolution

    OK...thanks for that. I have a few more questions... I messed around with SwitchResX and added 1680 x 1050, this gives me the desktop area I was hoping for but again poor quality. that thing is the TV read it as 920 x 1080....but it looks fine just poor quality. at resolution 1360 x 768...
  4. C

    32" LCD widescreen setup resolution

    Hi all I just bought a new 32" LCD widescreen TV which has PC in. I just can't get it to look good. for video it looks amazing but for normal computer graphics like text and icons it looks terrible. What would be an ideal resolution for this...Id like to have more desktop rather then big...
  5. C

    Panther/Tiger max hard size size

    Thanks.....I looked at the pic of the cards and they have smaller connectors for smaller cables off the do they plug into the drive i have with the standard milti pin connector. do they come with cables that go from the small to the larger ones. Sorry for the stupid question :(...
  6. C

    Panther/Tiger max hard size size

    I'm not quite sure what i'm looking for....PCI IDE controller card....yeah? I'm in the UK....I found a few on ebay but they say they are for PC, will they work in my mac? also...I thought my drives where ATA not IDE. are they the same or am I wrong? Cheers Chris
  7. C

    Panther/Tiger max hard size size

    Hi all I have a G4 400MHz and I've just bought 200gig hard drive. when I put it in the OS tells me it's only 140 or 160 (can't remeber which) How do I get it to recognise it as a 200 gig. I'm currently running Panther 10.3.8. I have bought Tiger 10.4 but have not installed it yet...