Search results

  1. DeltaMac

    Folder item count

    That's the Status Bar. In your Finder - View menu, Click on Show Status Bar Or, you can toggle that status bar with Command-slash (/)
  2. DeltaMac word association!

  3. DeltaMac

    Big Sur Time Machine Backups... time? temp? "just because?"

    I connect my Time Machine backup drive about once per week. Just did that, and Time Machine backup was about 1.8GB, and took about 5 minutes from start to finish So, I'm curious.... (Why does your backup take so long?) How is your Time Machine backup drive connected to your Mac? USB? Ethernet...
  4. DeltaMac

    IMac G3 Classic Software Issue

    Just reinstalling OS X, or running the OS X combo updater for 10.4.11 won't help with a Classic issue. Tiger supports Classic, but does not supply it. Classic (Mac OS 9) is a separate install. To say this another way, Mac OS X does not include the install for the Classic environment. That OS 9...
  5. DeltaMac


    You make it sound like reinstalling your system is some major headache.... All that you would be doing is booting to the Mojave installer, and choosing to reinstall macOS from the menu screen. You COULD first delete suggestd, but it is a framework, and won't reinstall without some assistance...
  6. DeltaMac

    Trying to get to Big Sur from Mojave

    Sounds like you are putting a lot of time into this project. You have a large part of your files that live on the hard drive part of the fusion drive, and I suspect that the hard drive itself is failing. I bet you can do yourself a favor by swapping out the hard drive for an SSD. You already...
  7. DeltaMac

    Trying to get to Big Sur from Mojave

    That would be "no". What you are describing is just copying the installer app to a USB device. You can certainly do that, but the USB drive will just have a copy of the installer app, and it won't be bootable. The terminal commands use the "createinstallmedia" file, which is inside the installer...
  8. DeltaMac

    Trying to get to Big Sur from Mojave

    I don't think you need to restore from a backup yet. Boot to the recovery system. Choose "Reinstall macOS" You will see the opening install screen, showing the version of system that will be installed. If it is Big Sur (and NOT Mojave), then continue on with that install. It will reload the...
  9. DeltaMac

    Trying to get to Big Sur from Mojave

    If it is actually frozen after the upgrade install - give it more time. If you see a "frozen" progress bar, and your system won't continue to the finder, or a login screen, wait a bit longer - maybe another 10 to 15 minutes. If still no change, press and hold the power button for about 5...
  10. DeltaMac

    Trying to get to Big Sur from Mojave

    The upgrade process will be way easier if you download the Big Sur installer app, then create an external bootable installer for Big Sur. It can be on a thumb drive (you need 16GB size to do that), or a volume on an external USB storage of some kind. That volume will need to be at least 14GB to...
  11. DeltaMac

    Why are downloads in Dropbox showing up as being on my hard drive?

    Seems that you might want to learn more about Dropbox :cool: If you look at DropBox help, you can see this: Also, look at the full article about using Dropbox Smart Sync.
  12. DeltaMac


    I would suggest trying a reinstall of Mojave. (Boot to an external USB installer. I tend to download the installer fresh from Apple, create a bootable installer - just to make sure it is the most up-to-date, then boot to that; reinstall macOS, then check for updates. The reinstall should take...
  13. DeltaMac


    online search has this as the first result:
  14. DeltaMac

    Installer Vise - Files in Package

    OP has not returned since 2004. If it is a .pkg - you should be able to view the files with Pacifist.
  15. DeltaMac

    What Specs Do I Need for an M1 Mac Mini?

    Adobe continues to state that 8GB RAM is the minimum, and 16GB or more is recommended. Not that it matters much on the current M1 Macs, you have only two choices, 8GB or 16GB -- at least until the M1x or M2 are released. The rumors seem...
  16. DeltaMac

    Get the Shots

    IMHO - the worst part of being magnetized... I can never make it past the refrigerator!
  17. DeltaMac

    Navigating with TAB

    Maybe Karabiner-elements will provide a solution...?
  18. DeltaMac

    Need GBA Emulators For iPhone 6

    GBA4iOS is the first in that list when you scroll down to the iOS section, so it is probably one that is well documented, and works for what you need. You will need to try that for yourself - or look for support forums for whichever one you want to try out.
  19. DeltaMac

    Need GBA Emulators For iPhone 6

    Maybe this will help you... I cannot tell you anything about how to install that GBA4iOS, or even if it works.
  20. DeltaMac

    Screen brightness too low

    Not all "off-shore" computer parts are the same... Sounds like the repair shop is not convinced that there is a defect, and the brightness is just your "personal preference". But, return to that shop, and explain that the brightness is obivously not enough, and you think the screen is defective...