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  1. DeltaMac word association!

  2. DeltaMac

    Issue with disk permissions

    What Mac are you using now? You recently updated to Monterey... What system were you using before that upgrade to Monterey? If you moved up several versions, that would be when the drive was updated to APFS. And, the volume structure for your system would include some of those elements that you...
  3. DeltaMac

    Key types two characters

    Open your Settings, then the Keyboard pane. Then, Input Sources. Click the Edit button. Enable "Show input menu in menu bar" Now, click on the new icon in your menu bar, where you will see a choice "Show Keyboard Viewer" Watch that Keyboard Viewer as you press the period key on your keyboard. It...
  4. DeltaMac

    Installation of OS (12 and 13) stops in the middle and never gets completed

    Don't get your macOS versions confused.... The version 10.12, known as Sierra, from about 2016-2017 era--is the last version before the APFS drive format. Then, 10.13 (known as High Sierra) was the beginning of that change to APFS. Then 10.14 Mojave, 10.15 Catalina, which was the last macOS...
  5. DeltaMac

    LaCie Extreme Triple Interface

    Amazon S3 is Amazon's cloud storage solution, part of their web services. Commander One is software designed to mount that cloud storage on your computer, likely as a helper to make the cloud storage more useful. So, the post does not offer anything useful to help answer your questions, or to...
  6. DeltaMac

    Disk Locked; cannot Re-install Osx

    Looks like you have a fusion drive. If you are offered Mountain Lion as an installer when you boot to internet recovery, the newest iMac that shipped with that, is the Late 2013 iMac, which cannot update beyond Catalina (macOS 10.15.7) You can only go to Big Sur or later, with a patched system...
  7. DeltaMac

    LaCie Extreme Triple Interface

    That software is used to mount cloud storage, so it appears to be a local drive. How does that help the OP?
  8. DeltaMac

    Do I need to reformat my TM backup that I used prior to MM2 and Ventura?

    Where did you see a question about a scanner? Unless I completely missed the subject of this thread, OP was asking about how to proceed with an already-existing TM backup on a new Mac. No scanner there. But, I suppose there's always a scanner, right? Maybe you actually responded to another...
  9. DeltaMac

    Do I need to reformat my TM backup that I used prior to MM2 and Ventura?

    The attachment actually tells you your answer. Choose "Claim existing backup" if the other computer no longer needs these backups. (The existing backup will be retained, and converted for use with your new Mac. You no longer will be using that drive to back up your older Mac, won't need the old...
  10. DeltaMac

    Samsung 1710 printer driver for MacOS 12.5.1 monterey

    OP states that the printer is a Samsung 1710 (most likely the ML-1710) which is a laser printer, model released new in 2003.
  11. DeltaMac

    Samsung 1710 printer driver for MacOS 12.5.1 monterey

    Here's a link to an article that modifies the latest existing driver to work on later macOS system. It's from a couple of years ago, and appears to get it working on Big Sur. I hope you are somewhat comfortable playing...
  12. DeltaMac

    WHY would you "Put hard drive to sleep whenever possible? Not How on MM2 Silicon?

    hmm... Some manufacturers put sleep or spindown in the drive's firmware, and you don't really have control over when the drive powers down. The time that you notice that, is the delay when you try to access the drive, and you get to wait for the drive to spin back up. Doesn't happen one way or...
  13. DeltaMac

    WHY would you "Put hard drive to sleep whenever possible? Not How on MM2 Silicon?

    If you have a spinning drive (which can be external), then you can use that setting to spin down the drive. "Sleep due to inactivity" can also spin down a hard drive, but would also sleep the system at that point. So, not the same thing. Some still use spinning hard drives. I have an 8TB...
  14. DeltaMac

    How do I migrate from 2021 MM to 2023 MM2 with one monitor

    You ask lots of questions, using the same sort of challenges that I use, such as asking if it is possible? There's one way to find out if this will all work, right? If your Time Machine backup is current, then you don't need to hook up to the older Mac at all, just connect your Time Machine...
  15. DeltaMac

    New Life for Old iMac

    Your iMac does not support 8GB sticks. Just because they "work", doesn't mean that you will not have other issues when 8GB sticks are inserted, such as freezing, or simply unreliable operation. Forget the 8GB sticks, and go with 4GB sticks. It's not your fault that OWC shipped the wrong item. It...
  16. DeltaMac

    How do I migrate from 2021 MM to 2023 MM2 with one monitor

    If your time machine backup will allow you restore to a smaller drive (try it), then that should work. Hopefully, your time machine backup is current. If you use the Time Machine backup for the new mini, then you don't need the other mini at all, at least to transfer your files/apps You are not...
  17. DeltaMac


    So, not knowing what kind of block technique the school might have done, there's not much you can do. If the school added Minecraft to the school's computer, then I suppose you have to use it on their terms (not yours) Why not contact the school for help with that?
  18. DeltaMac


    Is Minecraft blocked through Parental Controls (or Screen Time)
  19. DeltaMac


    "locked" in the Finder's get-info window means that you can't modify the file (it is locked). That does not mean that you cannot open it.
  20. DeltaMac

    osx for older iMac 2010

    The 2010 iMac is not glued, the front glass cover is held in by magnets. The glue/tape did not appear until the 2012 models. Most steps use suction cups of some kind to pull the screen off. I use a thin blade to (carefully!) pry the glass out. Then, there's a handful of torx screws to open up...