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  1. DeltaMac word association!

  2. DeltaMac

    Emailing files to a friend

    If your edited JPEG is still a JPEG (check this to make sure), you should not expect a problem viewing an attachment on a standard system. Does your friend get any kind of similar attachments, with no problems, from other people? If you send your jpeg to someone else, do THEY have any...
  3. DeltaMac

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    We are (at least I am) on page 83, page 66 is from more than 10 years ago :cool: ... Pretty sure others can listen to the same song during that time, and post it here..
  4. DeltaMac

    Apple Music getting could not purchase "null". An unknown error occurred (1010)

    That message is reporting that you might have an issue with your AppleID. You didn't say what you have done... Have you used any other AppleID with iTunes Match (on this same computer)? The message is telling you that you have to wait for 90 days before you can use a different AppleID with...
  5. DeltaMac

    Any way to find the old hostname?

    I like your style...:cool: Its way better than "User's iMac", or similar defaults, eh? I see those exact computer names sometimes. (I do part-time Mac service)
  6. DeltaMac

    Any way to find the old hostname?

    No -- even if you run a terminal app that is stored on another drive, it will simply show you the hostname for the system that you are booted from. You would have to be able to boot to that old drive, if possible. Did you actually change your hostname/network name to customize each Mac system...
  7. DeltaMac

    Cord cleaning

    "microfilm" (?) I think you mean microfiber, right?
  8. DeltaMac

    Associative Development Thread

    So - same concept, but each response gets 3 steps, not just one - and you get to control where the association goes for your turn. well, OK, then... browser shopper purchase refund
  9. DeltaMac

    How much space does MacOS use on the drive?

    exFat is probably a good choice, but as Cheryl said, your needs can change, so if you suddenly need to move some files to another computer, without knowing what system is running, ExFat will likely still be OK. Recent Mac systems use APFS, which is woefully NOT compatible with anything except a...
  10. DeltaMac word association!

  11. DeltaMac

    Shut down on start up

    there's several ways that you can go with a replacement drive. You can purchase the usual SSD, which is a laptop size drive, using an SATA interface, so very easy to install. Yes, you can use a 2.5 to 3.5 inch adapter. If you use that for a boot drive, then does not matter which bay you use, but...
  12. DeltaMac

    Shut down on start up

    I wonder why your Disk Utility picture shows an information area that looks really jumbled (squeezed together)? Probably could fix that by quitting Disk Utility, then re-open. The hard drive (could be original to your Mac Pro) is around 15 years old. I suggest replacing that drive with new (an...
  13. DeltaMac

    Shut down on start up

    Recovery HD is the recovery partition. It is a hidden partition on your boot drive. The "Primary/secondary" indented images show your various drives. For example: 750.16 GB ST3750640 is the hard drive - the device. Macintosh HD is the name of the volume on that drive. It's the result of...
  14. DeltaMac

    Shut down on start up

    I keep missing this bit from your post #21 What video card do you have now? Did you try the original graphics card since this all started? (some graphics cards need specific drivers, and if a non-original card, then you erase to re-install, then you can't see anything, no boot selection screen...
  15. DeltaMac

    Shut down on start up

    Have you tried a different internal drive for the OS X install? (Be sure to remove the internal boot drive, not just add another drive - the existing drive could have failed, and sometimes will interfere with installs, even to a different drive.
  16. DeltaMac

    Shut down on start up

    Internet recovery (using that Shift-Command-R) first appeared on Macs in 2011, and was extended to some 2010 models - but your 2007 MacPro2,1 is too old for that feature. Yes, you should try that bootable USB on a iMac that boots from Snow Leopard (unless it also is too old to boot natively...
  17. DeltaMac

    Shut down on start up

    There are other options. One is using DiskmakerX, which is an app dedicated to making (working) bootable OSX installer volumes.
  18. DeltaMac

    Shut down on start up

    OP wants to install Lion. Lion won't even see an APFS volume, and the Lion Disk Utility can't make an APFS volume. Stay with the default Mac OS Extended (journaled)
  19. DeltaMac

    Shut down on start up

    Here's an alternate method: Right-click the Lion installer app - choose Show Package Contents. Open the Contents folder, then the Shared folder. Drag the file InstallESD.dmg to the Source box in Disk Utility. Continue on with the restore. Should work now.
  20. DeltaMac

    Shut down on start up

    I don't think the suggested 10.7.5 update will help you (as it is simply an update to try reloading the most current update), as you already have other problems that may be the clue - the sudden very slow launching of apps. You should try to make a bootable USB installer from that Lion download...