Search results

  1. DeltaMac

    Create/Enable root user in Monterey 12.1

    You have to unlock that Directory Utility, When unlocked, you will see the line (in the Edit menu, under the Change Root Password line) now reads "Enable Root User" (Fun fact - that utility re-locks automatically, even if you don't touch it in any way. Watched the padlock close on its own. I...
  2. DeltaMac

    Create/Enable root user in Monterey 12.1

    I looked at enabling the root user again. Looks like you missed the correct menu in the Directory Utility. (looking at Monterey 12.3 beta on my intel MBAir, maybe different on an AS Mac, I don't know The Edit menu in the Directory Utility does not show Enable Root User, until you click the...
  3. DeltaMac

    Create/Enable root user in Monterey 12.1

    You probably will be allowed to install if you first disable SIP. After that allows you to install your software, you should then re-enable SIP.
  4. DeltaMac

    Deleting Microsoft AutoUpdate?

    You missed the last space - between the -R and /Users... ( I did say to add that space in my post above :cool: ) Also, have you tried to unlock the file by changing the permissions on the file: Get Info for that file, go to the Sharing & Permissions section at the bottom of that Info window...
  5. DeltaMac

    Deleting Microsoft AutoUpdate?

    Are the 4 files all in the same folder? Name of one file? Doesn't matter which, just one of those files. What is the message that you get when you attempt to drag to trash? have you tried to remove those files in your terminal? type in terminal sudo rm -R (pathtofile) That's...
  6. DeltaMac

    Multiple Calendar unwanted alerts by email for same event

    ? --- How is it possible that you get emails about the event, unless you chose to enter that as part of the notifications that you have set up in the Calendar app? What is the source for the emails? They are sent from somewhere... Or, do you mean that you get text messages for alerts (not...
  7. DeltaMac

    External harddrive data security question

    There's no hidden system activity log on an external hard drive - only on the computer. So, is this something that your co-worker has been known to do in the past? Would she take the time to look through files, then copy off any "prøn" that she might find, or try to report you because you have...
  8. DeltaMac

    Multiple Calendar unwanted alerts by email for same event

    You could try adding the event to your Calendar manually. Don't use the shortcut that Mail offers when it detects something in an email that it considers a Calendar item. If you add it manually, perhaps you won't get email notification, only that generated from within Calendar.
  9. DeltaMac

    Deleting Microsoft AutoUpdate?

    If the simple disabling SIP tip does not help at all with those few files -- Do keep in mind that the files may be locked for a good reason. If it is part of MS Office, then you may need to look on Microsoft Office user forums somewhere. ( I remember when those files could actually be considered...
  10. DeltaMac

    Deleting Microsoft AutoUpdate?

    When some random files can't be removed/trashed, try disabling SIP, then after restarting with SIP off. After disabling SIP, try to unlock/delete those files. You should re-enable SIP when you have successfully removed those files (assuming you do succeed!) You said "quite large" --- how large...
  11. DeltaMac

    Chrome no longer saves passwords since Big Sur upgrade

    Maybe there's another option for you.... The last couple of years, when I encounter any kind of problems with Safari, often with passwords/logins, I will usually be successful with Microsoft Edge - which is based on Chrome, but has a different "look and feel" to it. I probably use Edge more...
  12. DeltaMac

    AppleScript stopped working with VeraCrypt after update to VeraCrypt 1.25.4

    hmm... OK, but I have a question for @Satcomer: Just for a bit of clarification -- How would you change the above AppleScript to reflect a change in Swift, and why would that AppleScript involve Swift in the first place ( just curious why your reply went in that direction!)
  13. DeltaMac

    AppleScript stopped working with VeraCrypt after update to VeraCrypt 1.25.4

    Not a help, I'm afraid... but, you did post in another thread that you could not post that script without modifying a particular element. You might want to edit your post to reflect where you made those changes -- just so someone who can interpret that script will not get thrown off the path by...
  14. DeltaMac

    Problem with OSX Sierra 10.12.6 in 2011 iMac

    Sorry, we kinda got off the track here... anyway, it was still good to know that your original question was answered...
  15. DeltaMac word association!

  16. DeltaMac

    Problem with OSX Sierra 10.12.6 in 2011 iMac

    Yeah - you don't know my cardiologist. I have been in his home multiple times, and have shared Christmas gifts with his family. (Well, OK, I have been his Mac support guy for several years, I call him José. He gifted me a case of fresh grapefruit last year. Special man!) But, my closest friend I...
  17. DeltaMac

    Malfunctioning Cursor During Composition Of Text

    I don't know if this is a solution, but just a setting to try out.... Go to System Preferences, then the Mouse pref pane. Change the setting for "Double-click speed" to a slower setting. You could try almost all the way to the left. If that does not help, or makes it worse, then adjust toward...
  18. DeltaMac

    Problem with OSX Sierra 10.12.6 in 2011 iMac

    Glad to hear that you found a solution from your backup. Every once in a while, backups are a Good Thing™ (I am also above the 70-year point. Helping folks on Apple support forums is a hobby of mine.) I have a comment about getting old (maybe you will relate to it).... I have a terrible memory...
  19. DeltaMac

    Problem with OSX Sierra 10.12.6 in 2011 iMac

    Ah... you quoted my post, but you did not add your own text, nor did you ask any kind of question (?) (?) Did my post help answer your initial post?
  20. DeltaMac

    Problem with OSX Sierra 10.12.6 in 2011 iMac

    SIP (System Integrity Protection) can keep you from getting access for certain kinds of folders and files. SIP is a major factor in why the old "Repair Permissions" is not really relevant now. You might try disabling SIP, then check to see if you have access to that Echosyn user folder. BUT...