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  1. DeltaMac word association!

  2. DeltaMac

    Pending item to be downloaded on iTunes (Macbook Air mid 2019)

    Scroll down to the bottom of that Account window. The next to last item, above the Done/Hecho should be a "Reset all warnings for buying and downloading" ("Restablecer todas las advertencias de compra y descarga" seems a bit off for a translation, but if yours says that, try it, and see what...
  3. DeltaMac

    [HOWTO] - Make a Mac OS X Utilities Boot CD

    It's been a hobby of mine, packing more partitions on a drive. And, it became useful since Lion, with Apple making it fairly simple to make a bootable installer, without having to copy from a DVD first. I used to try to make the installer partitions as small as possible, but then Apple started...
  4. DeltaMac

    [HOWTO] - Make a Mac OS X Utilities Boot CD

    Best way to do that is to begin with the partitions as the size that you want. After that, you would need to rely on where in the partition scheme your chosen partition to resize happens to be... a first partition, with others following, usually does not allow partition re-sizing, particularly...
  5. DeltaMac

    [HOWTO] - Make a Mac OS X Utilities Boot CD

    I guess you are wanting a multi-boot drive, with separate partitions for each OS? Which OS do you want to have on your external boot drive?
  6. DeltaMac

    [HOWTO] - Make a Mac OS X Utilities Boot CD

    I suggest that the easiest way to do this is to make your bootable backup on an external hard drive in a Firewire enclosure (more reliable booting from a Firewire drive, compared to USB, which can be challenging.) That means that you need to have one of those (an external Firewire drive.) And...
  7. DeltaMac

    Apple mail keeps crashing - lidArgumentException

    Pretty sure you meant Mail, not Mosul... and Connection Doctor is found in Mail's Window menu. (That auto spell correction can hit you at weird times. :cool:
  8. DeltaMac

    Printer Question, My Canon Model PIXMA MG3620

    Yep, there's always new stuff to learn...
  9. DeltaMac

    Printer Question, My Canon Model PIXMA MG3620

    I didn't want to make this about "apps". Any app (or program, or browser, or other types of programs) that you might use for whatever purpose is up to you, or it is simply some software that came with your Mac, or is part of the macOS system install. Almost all of those would have some...
  10. DeltaMac

    Printer Question, My Canon Model PIXMA MG3620

    I've not ever been able to print a document directly, without opening that document in some kind of app first. If you don't choose an app to open that document for printing, your system will choose an app for you, which may or may not be the same app that you used to make that document. I...
  11. DeltaMac

    Printer Question, My Canon Model PIXMA MG3620

    I don't recall seeing a normal print window that allows you to adjust the size of the font, but usually (depending on the app that you are printing from) does show you an option to change the magnification, or scale of the entire document. In my experience, the way to change the font size is not...
  12. DeltaMac

    Printer Question, My Canon Model PIXMA MG3620

    The font in the email doesn't look like it would print very large... (?) hmm... ah, now I see it! I suspect that you will see those other settings that you would like to see after clicking the "Show Details" button -- at least that is what I needed to do here... Yeah - I've got a couple of...
  13. DeltaMac

    Printer Question, My Canon Model PIXMA MG3620

    What macOS system version are you using? What app are you using when you try to print, where the text is too large? Email? a web page in your browser - Safari, or some other browser? Have you tried making the fonts smaller before you try to print? Get ready to print something, like a random web...
  14. DeltaMac word association!

  15. DeltaMac word association!

  16. DeltaMac word association!

  17. DeltaMac

    Installing windows 10 through bootcamp

    If you accidentally delete the ISO file, then you would not have the ISO file. Not sure why you might think you would lose anything (other than the ISO file itself, nor why that would scare you... You would just download that Windows iso again -- but, I just copy it from my external storage...
  18. DeltaMac

    Installing Mac OS from external hard drive

    I'm pretty sure if you use the listed terminal command, as posted, it will fail with an error. Be careful that each leading dash is actually a double-dash - such as "--volume" The command, as listed MIGHT have double-dashes, but it is not visually apparent from the article. Won't work without...
  19. DeltaMac word association!

  20. DeltaMac

    Cannon Scanner And El Capitan Security Update 002 2018

    Looked at that inkdriver site. Yes, some are Windows only, but other printers show downloads that appear to be correct for macOS. But, the site is very poorly designed. Looks good, until you actually try searching for individual printers - and the Canon category is completely useless, brings up...