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  1. fryke

    Apps store application disappeared from iPhone

    Ah, I thought that an app that you downloaded from App Store had vanished, not the App Store icon itself. ;) ... Glad you've worked it out yourself!
  2. fryke

    automatic installation of Snow leopard

    Look into deployment and imaging. It's for multiple installations rather than just a single installation, but that would probably come closest to what you want? :)
  3. fryke

    Apps store application disappeared from iPhone

    If you use iTunes to restore your iPhone, it'll ask you afterwards whether you want to restore from a backup or set up as a new phone. After restoring from the backup, you'll need to resync music, apps etc. Finally, all should be well (as it was when that particular backup was made).
  4. fryke

    MAC operating system

    And the server version only works on Mac versions of VMware and Parallels AFAIK.
  5. fryke

    Save videos from Vimeo

    There are apps and tips aplenty.
  6. fryke

    Dear Apple

    He doesn't want to dodge the Dock by moving to linux or Windows, he wants Apple to create something new, a much better solution. Hm... Personally, I find hiding the Dock on smaller screens perfect. On my iMac, I don't need to and have it centered at the bottom, but with the 2D look. (There's a...
  7. fryke

    Today's new Things (MacBook Air and whatever else was introduced in the keynote)

    I've written a review about the machine on
  8. fryke

    Today's new Things (MacBook Air and whatever else was introduced in the keynote)

    Some kind of mini PCI-Express I read somewhere. I don't think Apple would offer the upgrade service, so it would be outside the warranty. Then again: You don't have to upgrade the second you've bought your MBA and can do it later on... You could also still put the original back before bringing...
  9. fryke

    iLife or No iLife with Leopard

    You've woken up a very old thread. Today, I'd say: Just buy it. iLife's cheaper than ever...
  10. fryke

    Today's new Things (MacBook Air and whatever else was introduced in the keynote)

    Nobody else went for a new MacBook Air then? I'd love to hear other people's views on them... I've yet to see anything negative about the machines. I've heard the first SSD upgrades have been announced today [EDIT: Apparently they announced it earlier, but I've heard of it through macrumors...
  11. fryke

    Today's new Things (MacBook Air and whatever else was introduced in the keynote)

    The RAM is definitely NOT user-replaceable, it's soldered to the board. I've had the older 13" model and have played with the new one, but I knew I wanted the 11" before-hand, since I mainly use it for its ultra-portability, i.e. writing while travelling etc. I can recommend both machines...
  12. fryke

    music options

    Nothing to do with artist/album information. Rather it's about automatically synching or manually adding/removing songs/videos to/from iPhone (or iPod). I.e.: Right now, with automatic synching, you've either selected to have _all_ your music/video synched or to have some selected...
  13. fryke

    Today's new Things (MacBook Air and whatever else was introduced in the keynote)

    Just got my 11" MacBook Air now: Love its closedness. Wouldn't WANT to mess with its hardware innards. ;) Lookin' forward to buying my first little app through the Mac App Store. :P It's really a lovely machine. The keyboard is _almost_ the usual. Most sites talk about how the topmost row...