Search results

  1. fryke

    Ipod classic

    Stooooooooooop! Don't do what Satcomer just said, please. He misinterpreted your message, because you've posted it into "Mac OS X System & Software" instead of the iPod forum. What you _should_ do is find out whether the iPod turns up in iTunes. If so, you should be able to restore its software...
  2. fryke

    Was this a true Mac warning popup? or virus?

    You mean the antivirus program, right? Since there's still no active virus for the Mac in the wild, the other thing wouldn't really be believable. ;)
  3. fryke

    Rotating Videos from iPhone

    1) Then you haven't tried hard enough. ;) ... iMovie has the functionality. You take the clip into your project and start to "crop & rotate" it. Took me a while to find the exact spot where to do it in iMovie '11, but from my Google searches, the feature's there in all recent versions. 2) Try...
  4. fryke

    Verizon iPhone

    If you don't venture outside of the USA, it's certainly a viable option. A "world phone" with GSM, CDMA and LTE would solve that, albeit at the price of bulk, I guess. (It all needs space.) I wonder whether such a thing would mean that all the world gets to have a rather silly CDMA support...
  5. fryke

    iPad case with keyboard

    Yes. I've been using my wireless keyboard with both the iPad and the iPhone to write stories. If you're mainly about _writing_, it's a very good experience. More problematic are tasks that require you to switch between the screen and the keyboard constantly. The keyboards that come within cases...
  6. fryke

    iPad case with keyboard

    Basically: All the cases with included keyboards I've seen have been crappy at _best_. I'd consider the option of getting Apple's wireless keyboard and some folio-style case that suits you. You can put the iPad on your lap so that the keyboard fits on the cover of the folio below the iPad. If...
  7. fryke

    installing Leopard on PowerBook

    You're right, DeltaMac, although some restrictions apply. For example, using a Mac Pro to install a system on a notebook will name the AirPort Card "Ethernet 2" or something like that. It just ain't as clean as it could be. Plus: That way you can only ever use a _newer_ system, because older...
  8. fryke

    iPod Touch Restrictions

    A complete restore and setting an iPod touch up as a new device will get rid of those restrictions and will let you setup a new code. One you'll remember, of course. ;)
  9. fryke

    Do you know the best data recovery software?

    I'd agree with chevy on both points. Living without a backup is just too much of a risk, even if you _don't_ think you save relevant data on your computer. Too many times I encounter students who just lost their precious work to a harddrive head-crash. And all it would have taken the user...
  10. fryke

    Microsoft Office for Mac & iWorks, which one is better?

    1.) Get the iWork '09 Trial from Apple's website. Test the apps, then remove iWork completely. If they fit your bill, get the single apps from the app store. 2.) If they don't fit your bill, because you need more and better compatibility with Windows Office users, get Office 2011 for the Mac...
  11. fryke

    Brand new Macbook Pro aged 123 months?

    Coconut Battery looks at the serial numbers. Because your notebook's battery was made in 2010, probably, it's got the "0" right where batteries made in 2000 had the "0" as well. Just take 10 years off the number Coconut Battery tells you, and you're probably in the ballpark. ;)
  12. fryke

    The Subnotebook

    I know I'm reviving a *very* old thread... Just wanted to thank Apple here. More than five years after my wish (well, the wish was certainly older, but this was _the_ thread about it), Apple produced the 11" MacBook Air, which finally was really small enough for me. Not quite the 10h battery...
  13. fryke

    other mac os x forums

    There are three options: 1.) Stay away from sites that do ads. (You'll probably have to leave the internet at this time of writing.) ;) 2.) Use an adblocker. They work quite fine. You'll lower the sites' income, and there might be sites you like so much that you don't want to do that. 3.)...
  14. fryke

    VMware vs Parallels vs VirtualBox

    Since I'm not in an environment where those things count, but rather a consumer-centric world, I vote for Parallels. They have the edge on graphics performance and have pushed the idea of integrating other operating systems with the consumer's desktop very far in a very short time. If it hadn't...
  15. fryke

    Is Bob's Place done?

    Well: That's true of us older geeks - the question is whether enough new blood is being generated, then. I guess for me it's rather simple: I have a 100% job nowadays and a relationship - certainly less time to browse and post than when I was working from home on projects I selected (or came...
  16. fryke

    How do I put my apps on my iTouch?

    would require at least the retail version of 10.5, of course. i thought OS 2.0 didn't require iTunes 10/Leopard? Maybe I remember it wrong...
  17. fryke

    This said free site, then immediately asked for $

    ... as long as that is on the right side of the zebra bar, that is. Folders can't be on the left side of the Dock.
  18. fryke

    h.264 MKV to MP4 without transcoding?

    I haven't seen it doing it without re-encoding, though..? Using it all the time. Great VisualHub replacement.
  19. fryke

    Scrolling problem...

    Plus I'd update to 10.6.5 anyway...
  20. fryke

    Screensavers cancelling on Macbook

    Ah. Well, this option per se doesn't exist anymore. I just mean to take a clean (empty) harddrive or big-enough memory stick and install the OS on that using the system installation disc.