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  1. ElDiabloConCaca


    To "clean up" the hard drive on your computer, I'm assuming that you mean that you may be low on disk space (otherwise, there is no good reason to "clean up" the hard drive). There really aren't too many utilities other than your brain that will help you do this in the most effective manner...
  2. ElDiabloConCaca

    My Contacts Disappeared:

    Anyone that knows (or can easily guess) your password can access your iCloud content. This may be a good point in time to ensure your password isn't something silly like "rover123" or something easy-to-guess. A good rule of thumb is that if you can remember your password without having typed...
  3. ElDiabloConCaca

    Help! Installing External Drive on Old Tiger Mac

    Also, it may be prudent to check and see what format the external drive is in. For maximum compatibility with your Mac and Mac-style filenames and attributes, it should have: 1) An "APM" partition scheme 2) A drive format of "Mac OS Extended" It's likely (but not guaranteed) that Western...
  4. ElDiabloConCaca

    iPod Touch does not respond at all

    Is there an Apple Store within driving distance of you? How old is the iPod touch -- is it still under warranty?
  5. ElDiabloConCaca

    AppleTV, AppleTV 3 and Handbrake

    Movies converted for your old AppleTV will work just fine on the new AppleTV 3. You just may not be enjoying the higher resolutions (1080p) available in the AppleTV 3 that the old AppleTV doesn't support. Movies converted using Handbrake under the "AppleTV 3" preset may NOT work on your older...
  6. ElDiabloConCaca

    My Backup Hard Drive now is read only

    I run into this from time to time. The solution is to unmount/eject and re-mount the Time Machine drive (power-cycling the drive may help as well), or simply reboot your computer. Haven't yet found a cause, but there are the solutions, for what it's worth.
  7. ElDiabloConCaca

    Bluetooth / Sharing

    It means that, not only do you want to apply any changes to the drive itself, but do you also want to potentially change permissions on items that already exist on the drive, and all sub-files and sub-folders as well. In other words, let's say you had a drive with a folder on it that "Bob"...
  8. ElDiabloConCaca

    Unlocking an HTML file

    Command-I while the file is selected. Uncheck "locked."
  9. ElDiabloConCaca

    New iPad Mini

    True, but remember -- the Nexus 7 has a 16:9 screen while the iPad mini's is a 4:3 screen. 16:9 aspect ratios make a tablet a lot larger than they need to be, and, in my humblest of opinions, I think Apple got it right in saying that 16:9 doesn't have a place (yet) in tablet screens. It can be...
  10. ElDiabloConCaca

    New iPad Mini

    I sent my wife my Christmas wish list. It went something like this:
  11. ElDiabloConCaca

    SQL injection

    To expany on DeltaMac's good answer with links, yes, SQL injection can be extremely dangerous. It all depends on how important the data in the database is to you, and what possible damage a hacker could do given unfettered access to the data in the database. You can secure your database a...
  12. ElDiabloConCaca

    After 10.8.2 update, screensaver not starting.

    Strange, I just stumbled across that same fix from the Apple Support Communities: ...although that individual went and deleted some plist and cache files as well. Let us know if it stays sorted, or if the problem returns!
  13. ElDiabloConCaca

    After 10.8.2 update, screensaver not starting.

    I would begin troubleshooting by deactivating those two (AirPrint Activator and LogMeIn, but I suspect it's the AirPrint Activator which would require the computer to be awake in order to serve up the print server on the network). You may be able to deactivate through the "Login Items" if those...
  14. ElDiabloConCaca

    After 10.8.2 update, screensaver not starting.

    Sounds like something is keeping the Mac "awake." What sort of software have you installed that may run upon boot/login? Dropbox? Any synchronization software? Printer monitoring software?
  15. ElDiabloConCaca

    Calibration problems with MBP 13"

    Oskar: I don't know much about that software, so I wouldn't know what to tell you to try and set the monitor in the software -- but there may be something else you can do to calibrate the monitor in the interim. It seems that the software, maybe, possibly, defaults to calibrating the...
  16. ElDiabloConCaca

    iMessage with same AppleID, but different devices

    iMessage, as far as I know, uses unique Apple ID's to send and receive messages. Every iMessage-capable device using the Apple ID will (and should) receive the message. Why not just set everyone up with their own Apple ID? What you're asking to do (if I understand correctly) is akin to...
  17. ElDiabloConCaca

    Is this an Outside connection or My MacBook Pro is an IPv4 address. 2601:7:6bc0:2a:484c:cf96:6f88:65bd is an IPv6 address. It's possible for a computer to obtain and use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses simultaneously. mDNSResponder is used by Bonjour, the "automatic" service-finding protocol by Apple. Probably, your...
  18. ElDiabloConCaca

    Google Fiber

    I work with demographics and GIS as a profession to support advertising efforts with various media. I can tell you that, without a doubt, your assessment that "those with money buy more stuff and therefore would have a higher adoption rate" goes against everything I've learned in the past 15...
  19. ElDiabloConCaca

    Sparseimage opens to blank page HELPPPP! (newbie)

    How big is the file in kilobytes or megabytes?
  20. ElDiabloConCaca

    Encryption for OSX

    Are you talking about FileVault? If so, no, you can't change the encryption scheme it uses. If you're talking about some other kind of encryption in OS X, please, be more specific.