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  1. ElDiabloConCaca

    ipad & facebook

    Are you using the native iPad Facebook app? If so, simply tap the button in the upper left-hand corner (with three horizontal, parallel lines) and then select "News Feed." If you're accessing Facebook's web page via the Safari app on your iPad, then you can either tap the "Facebook" logo in...
  2. ElDiabloConCaca

    lion download “final destination” error

    How many times have you received this error message? If only once, simply try re-downloading the Lion updater again. The internet is not infallible, and sometimes errors in downloading occur. If you've tried the download more than once and consistently receive this error message, a few things...
  3. ElDiabloConCaca

    show us one of your favorite ads

    Some of the best non-verbal acting.
  4. ElDiabloConCaca

    os x 10.7.3 shutdown does not happen

    Try this: Create a new user account on the machine (regular or administrator, it doesn't matter), then log in under that new user account. Once logged in from that user account, try a shutdown of the machine. Does it successfully shut down? If so, that points to something specific to your...
  5. ElDiabloConCaca

    Replacing the HDD on my Macbook Air

    No, it's not going to be ok.
  6. ElDiabloConCaca

    Making TimeMachine work on Netgear WNR3500L

    Try this:
  7. ElDiabloConCaca

    os x 10.7.3 shutdown does not happen

    A single problem does not indicate that one operating system, as a whole, runs "cleaner" than another. With that being said, more details about the specific conditions that exist when you try and shut down would be nice. For example, how many and what programs are running when you try and shut...
  8. ElDiabloConCaca

    Print a "long" HTML page.

    Maybe this?
  9. ElDiabloConCaca

    The first film about Steve Jobs: Jobs, Get Inspired

    It just sounds like a bad movie title to me. Kind of like the horrible "Bring It On" movies: Bring It On Bring It On Again Bring It On: All or Nothing Bring It On: In It To Win It Bring It On: Fight to the Finish ...and... Bring It On: Get Inspired :(
  10. ElDiabloConCaca

    MacBook Battery Not Charging

    Have you had someone at an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service place take a look at it?
  11. ElDiabloConCaca

    Stickies Problem: Opens continuous notes

    Do you have any "add-on" or "haxie" software installed, like QuicKeys or something? It sounds like the "new sticky" command gets "stuck" when you select it, causing a cascade effect of new stickies to be created...
  12. ElDiabloConCaca

    The first film about Steve Jobs: Jobs, Get Inspired

    I'm looking forward to it... as long as the working title, "Jobs: Get Inspired" doesn't become the final title. What a horrible title.
  13. ElDiabloConCaca

    Mass Permissions Change - CHOWN--??

    This is all pseudo-code, but it would work, depending on which scripting language you like to use (bash, php, ruby, python, etc.): 1) Make a text file with each student's identification string/username, one per line. Should be able to export something like this out of AD or OD. 2) In the...
  14. ElDiabloConCaca

    giving a nickname to an application?

    Yep, and you can go a step further and assign an "alias" to almost all of that command. If you're using bash, edit the .bashrc file and add a line that says: alias tw='open -a textwrangler' Then, in order to open a file from the Terminal as in your example, you could simply type: tw...
  15. ElDiabloConCaca

    Question about restoring from a Time Capsule backup

    In order to minimize permission/account conflicts, I recommend setting up the new Mac with an identical user account to the one you want to restore. So, if you've got an account in Time Machine with name "Tom Kat" and username "tkat" then I would set up the new Mac identically -- usually, this...
  16. ElDiabloConCaca

    Unsubscribe to iCal calendar

    If it's the only calendar under that calendar account, try removing that account from iCal's "Account" Preferences...
  17. ElDiabloConCaca

    I suspect Time Machine won't work on NAS drive

    Probably because afp://discname doesn't tell Mac OS X what server the disc is located on. In your example above, and "discname" are not the same thing (discname is located on the server, but they're not the same), so trying to use them interchangeably is incorrect. Typically...
  18. ElDiabloConCaca

    Power Mac G5 won't turn on with board switch?

    Have you tried resetting the PMU?
  19. ElDiabloConCaca

    Icons under 'SHARED' changing shape randomly

    Blue icons indicate Windows shares, or shares that are discovered using the SAMBA/SMB protocol. As an aside, if you are able to change the size of that icon and make it really big, you'll see it's actually a "blue screen of death" icon... a little friendly ribbing from one company to another...
  20. ElDiabloConCaca

    Backup iTunes for iPhone

    ...don't restore your iPhone as a new phone? Here's a discussion on the Apple Communities forum detailing exactly that, and peoples' experiences with saving things like SMS and the like: