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  1. Rhisiart

    do you use your iphone/ipad on the toilet?

    What a bizarre question Frankwer :-). Simple answer is no.
  2. Rhisiart word association!

  3. Rhisiart

    worst and best flight

    pds - That's OK. We all make mistakes :-). Worst flight for me was from Montreal to London in the early 1990s. A tell-tale sign that all is not well is when the flight stewards looked particularly stressed during a pitchy turbulence patch.
  4. Rhisiart word association!

  5. Rhisiart

    Environmental concerns

    A very good, thorough post bbloke. However I am a bit of a stuck in the mud and so it's hard to shift my view that climate change is both natural and man made. However, anyone's views on this depends largely of whether they are challenging a general scientific consensus that climate change is...
  6. Rhisiart

    Environmental concerns

    Yes, I agree. It was really about getting at Limbaugh. Climate change is very real. But I agree that the science is still fuzzy with regards to the actual cause of climate change. Is it man-made? Is it a natural cycle? I suspect myself that it is a bit of both.
  7. Rhisiart

    Environmental concerns

    Tim Cook CEO of Apple gets angry with some shareholders.
  8. Rhisiart

    OS X Maverick Update ?

    Before upgrading from 10.8 to Mavericks i consulted Adobe to ensure that my CS3 products would be compatible. As far as I could ascertain they would be. So I upgraded the Mac Mini (should have had 10.8 as a backup in case I wanted to scale down again, but didn't). Lo and behold Dreamweaver CS3...
  9. Rhisiart word association!

    alternative medicine
  10. Rhisiart

    Mavericks is a major - well, rather large - disappointment.

    Try this:
  11. Rhisiart

    Adobe Reader

    Me neither Cheryl. I did both things as you suggested. Still no joy. [By the way, the problem is with the Mac Mini]. If I click on a link to a PDF file a new tab appears with the correct heading for the PDF file but the page is just black. To answer MisterMe, I have no problems opening PDF...
  12. Rhisiart

    Adobe Reader

    Since I upgraded to the latest Safari version (7.0.1) I cannot read PDF's. They do not open in Safari. I just see a black page. Can anyone please suggest a solution?
  13. Rhisiart

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    This has taken*me back: Wicked Game by Chris Isaak
  14. Rhisiart word association!

  15. Rhisiart

    The new OS X Mavericks

    See my comment further up the page.
  16. Rhisiart word association!

    Tasmanian Devil
  17. Rhisiart

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    The Power by Snap
  18. Rhisiart

    Missing Home Folders

    I'm on to it :).
  19. Rhisiart

    Missing Home Folders

    I did as you suggested and still no Sites folder. Ho hum. A bit strange.
  20. Rhisiart

    Missing Home Folders

    There is not Sites Folder in my Home Folder.