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  1. alra111

    Adium crashing repeatedly

    Adium crashes every single time I boot it up. I re-installed it. I rebooted my computer. Anything else I can do, or just find another IM client? Thanks, Alra111
  2. alra111

    How to change iTunes user account registered to an iPhone

    Greetings, My friend is here and we are trying to change the iTunes account registered to his iPhone 3G. We want to do this and not wipe out his contacts, etc., we simply want to do a one-time change on his phone to the newly created iTunes account. For some reason, the iPhone (his happens...
  3. alra111

    deleting big files

    Hi! I want to delete big files that I may no longer be using...Is there a way I can seek out files > 2 GB or something to that effect? Thanks, Alra111
  4. alra111

    Time Capsule: Total Piece of Crap?

    I think I'm gonna follow your advice and move all the music to my wired hard drive or even better, the iMac's built-in hard drive. Thanks for your help! Alra111
  5. alra111

    Time Capsule: Total Piece of Crap?

    Thank you, I wish Apple had been more clear that this Time Capsule is not really meant to be used as your primary hard disk. How come you can use it in a wired fashion when you do your initial backup, but not continue using it in a wired fashion thereafter? Also, if you run the Airport...
  6. alra111

    Time Capsule: Total Piece of Crap?

    I have a Time Capsule 1 TB and it seems to have a mind of its own. It seems only to want to be connected to my iMac via my existing wireless network. Well, I don't really care to do that. Music starts skipping sometimes, doubtless due to poor network conditions. I have reset the piece of...
  7. alra111

    Ordinal number symbols in OS X?

    I am aghast at the plethora of special characters available in OS X. However, I cannot seem to locate the ordinal number symbols. I would like to find a single character that would make a cardinal number be an ordinal number. For example, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. I would like them, obviously, to...
  8. alra111

    Please, please, please help!!

    Greetings... I am using WiFi for my Internet connection. However, I would like to keep my Time Capsule connected permanently via Ethernet. Songs have a tendency to skip when run over WiFi. However, Apple is making this infinitely difficult. I have pressed the reset button on the Time...
  9. alra111

    iPhone SMS messages coming through more than once?

    Has anyone experienced an issue whereby SMS messages sent to you are displayed more than once? Are they merely being displayed, or are they coming through in every sense of the words more than once and actually getting charged to your SMS limit more than once as well? Not that it matters for...
  10. alra111

    iPhone name

    You are very smart. Thanks. Rafael
  11. alra111

    iPhone name

    I named my iPhone "Pupu" now I wanna change the name of it. How can I do this? Also, can I change my username (alra111) on this website to something else, while keeping all my old information? Thanks, Rafael
  12. alra111

    iPhone ate all my pictures

    I have found that a lot of my photos in iPhoto have been wiped and replaced with much lower-sized versions of them. I can only assume that some syncing with the iPhone caused this. Anyone know what I might have done wrong? I am going to disable syncing of photos...what a shame, I wish it...
  13. alra111

    Some .me questions! :-)

    Greetings, In what order does synchronization through .me take place? If I add a new contact directly to .me on the web interface, will it distribute itself to both my iPhone and my iMac? Or is it a one-way street, i.e. iPhone-> web .me -> iMac? Also, if there is a conflict, i.e. I update a...
  14. alra111

    Hooking up my iMac to my HDTV..

    get a mini-DVI to DVI cable and connect to your TV's DVI input.
  15. alra111

    Ideal data rate for facebook/MySpace videos?

    Greetings, What is an ideal data rate to restrict videos to that are 3-5 mins in length exported from Final Cut Express which must be under 250 MB in size? I am setting the size to 640 x 480...unless one of you can suggest a better size that I should set the videos to? Also, should I set...
  16. alra111

    iPhone firmware 2.0 language question

    Greetings, I routinely send e-mails in both English and Spanish from my iPhone. Now that the 2.0 FW update has better language support, I am wondering if I can say I want to spell-check both English and Spanish. Up to now, the automatic spell-check becomes a big pain when writing e-mails...
  17. alra111

    Time Capsule change to direct connection?

    Greetings, I had my Time Capsule connected via Wi-Fi to my iMac until recently. Now I want to connect it directly to the Ethernet port. It doesn't seem to recognize it. What do I have to do? Thanks, Alra111
  18. alra111

    Mouse button function auto-swapping

    Have any of you encountered a situation wherein the left and right mouse button functions seem to swap, seemingly out of their own volition? It happens to me like 10 times a day and then I have to press both mouse buttons simultaneously to take things back to normal. Maybe there is some kind...
  19. alra111

    Question about picture caller ID

    Greetings, I have a contact that when he calls me I see his face on the entire phone's display. However for everyone else, I get the person's picture in a little corner of the screen and a wallpaper everywhere else. What is causing this? Thanks, Rafael
  20. alra111

    Contact syncinc in iPhone

    Don't bother replying, I simply deleted all my contacts.