Search results

  1. alra111

    iTunes random delayed fixed?

    Have any of you noticed that since the latest iTunes update your iTunes doesn't freeze up anymore? I know some of you said it never happened to you in the first place, but I definitely know a lot of you knew what I was talking about when I mentioned it. Anyhow, I am happy to see that it has...
  2. alra111

    Apple TV--turning it off?

    We just installed our Apple TV yesterday. I noticed that the cute little machine does not have a power button. Is it meant to be left on 24/7, or is there a way to turn it off, and if is, what? And if not, let's say I want to move it to another outlet. Do I just unplug it while it's on...
  3. alra111

    How to not display mail filtered into smart mailboxes

    Thanks, will check it out!! I have a bit of learning to do in Mail. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm more familiar with Outlook due to its omnipresence at my job. Alra111
  4. alra111

    Safari and Firefox will not open a certain web page

    Did not work for me either (Safari), when's the last time someone--anyone--verified for you that the site actually works? Alra111
  5. alra111

    Which version of Safari am I really using?

    Thanks for the advice...I think I'll stick to it...I hate troubleshooting and Safari as is is satisfactory enough...The only thing that's getting on my last nerve right now is those iTunes slowdown and I don't have to patience to sift through my entire to collection in order to find the...
  6. alra111

    How to not display mail filtered into smart mailboxes

    I am using Apple's default mail version 3.2 on Leopard 10.5.2. I have set up a smart mailbox to contain all my mail from Can I set up mail in such a way that these messages will NOT display in my main inbox, but rather, only when I click on the smart mailbox that I have set...
  7. alra111

    Which version of Safari am I really using?

    Thanks, guys!! I had the misconception what Webkit was a code word for Safari or something. Now I see that it is a component of Safari and not Safari itself. Do you recommend my practice of updating that "Webkit" nightly? Or am I asking for trouble? Alra111
  8. alra111

    Which version of Safari am I really using?

    I downloaded, installed, and double-clicked on the resulting "Webkit" icon from this site but when I go to Safari | About Safari all it says is Version 3.0.4 and Copyright 2003-2007. Am I really running 3.1 Beta or not?? Is there anywhere in the program I can verify this? Thanks, Alra111
  9. alra111

    For 2008, I wish that Apple...

    Introduces an iMac with built-in Blu-ray player and burner...especially now that HD DVD is certain to die!! (See this and other articles all over the net).
  10. alra111

    Safari and Firefox will not open a certain web page

    Why don't you download and try Opera, just to see what happens...
  11. alra111

    PlayStation Eye Camera and iMac?

    If I plug in the PlayStation Eye camera ( into the USB port of our iMac, will I be able to capture audio and video from it? Or does this camera work exclusively with the PlayStation 3? Also, if I could throw in another question, how do I get Final...
  12. alra111

    Relocating iTunes collection from one ext. HD to another

    We're about to purchase the 1 TB Time Capsule and plan to move all our music from our current external Western Digital Drive to the Time Capsule. What is the smoothest way to accomplish this without driving iTunes...and ourselves...crazy? Furthermore, once we purchase our 2nd iMac, can we...
  13. alra111

    iPhone interferes with speakers/subwoofer?

    Thanks, good to know!!
  14. alra111

    iPhone interferes with speakers/subwoofer?

    Have any of you noticed that when your iPhone is placed near speakers or a subwoofer it causes them to emit a strange noise? Or is it just something weird going on in my house? Thanks, Alra111
  15. alra111


    Any idea what that is all about? I of course went and installed it, but I'm curious anyhow. I didn't notice iTunes mentioned specifically, but I hope they fix its constant freeze-ups soon. I will probably go and import a CD at some point today to see if there's any improvements in that...
  16. alra111

    itunes skipping

    iTunes 7.6 is a piece of junk which freezes (i.e. becomes unresponsive, beachballs you) every chance it gets. When I'm importing music, it freezes at least once during every song. Every freeze lasts 10-15 seconds. Go to, click your way into the iTunes sections, and you'll...
  17. alra111

    Vista-like clock for OS X?

    Does anyone know where I can find a Windows Vista-like clock that will remain onscreen for OS X? Here is a visual: Also, I've noticed that I'm no longer able to pull the clock off the menu bar and onto the screen as in previous...
  18. alra111

    Bunch of .VCF files in my documents folders

    Thanks for the prompt reply, dumping them now! :)
  19. alra111

    Bunch of .VCF files in my documents folders

    There is a bunch of .VCF files in my documents folder. Are these used by Address Book or can I delete them? Thanks, Alra111
  20. alra111

    Removing Adobe CS3 trial to install real

    I was reading the instructions for installing Adobe PhotoShop CS3. I had to remove my trial software first, which wasn't expired yet. Here were Adobe's instructions. Before you uninstall, close all applications currently running on your system—including other Adobe applications...