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  1. djackmac

    Completed a LCD replacement on macbook air but 4 keys aren't working.

    I think they sold you a bum top case unfortunately. I never seen a cable fix something like that. But, of course, out of the hundreds of top cases I've replaced on all kinds of Apple portables, when I've replaced the top cases they have all came with cables. At least with Apple, there has never...
  2. djackmac

    Mac OS X Randomly freezes and starts making high pitched noise

    Could very well be the right side fan blades hitting the fan enclosure or perhaps the fan bearings themselves. There is an app called fanspeed that you can manually increase/decrease the speeds of the fans. Try it and see if it makes the more or less noise in changing the speeds. This is not a...
  3. djackmac

    MAC Boot Up Problem

    That looks to be a bad video card or logic board. What model is the machine?
  4. djackmac

    Why is my Time Machine Backup Always 5.6gb?

    Also since the email account is IMAP you don't need to back it up anyway. Everything stays on the server. So essentially if you lost everything, you just reconfigure your IMAP account in Mail and it will pull everything down again.
  5. djackmac

    Changing previous owners details in my iMac

    You can't change the name of the user you are logging into. You will need to create a new user, but once you do this you will lose access to the files such as photos, music, documents, etc that exist under that other user. If you really need those file as well, you should copy them to an...
  6. djackmac

    Boot Camp Partition Error

    One problem I see is that you are trying to allocate 45GB for the boot camp side only leaving a measly 8GB of free space on the OSX side. OSX requires at least 10-15% free space for optimum functionality. For example 10% of 145GB is 14.5GB. You are going to need to free up more space if you...
  7. djackmac

    Sparse image file secure trash deleted

    Secure erase and an encrypted sparse bundle image on top of that! I honestly don't think the NSA could even get that data back. I do data recoveries all the time for customers and I don't think I or any other data recovery service could touch that. I understand you are frustrated, but its not...
  8. djackmac

    "Space Available" info fluctuating randomly?

    You are supposed to have at least 10-15% free HD space for optimal performance along with virtual memory storage, caching, etc. The long and short of it is clearing up 3-4GB here and there is not going to do much or even get above the 10-15% free space threshold. Most software updates are even...
  9. djackmac

    Strange menus, how to get rid of them?

    It would be nice if you provided more info. I'm assuming you mean when you are surfing the web by the examples you've given? So lets start which browser and OS?
  10. djackmac

    Macbook Users deleted [Please Help]

    This kind of thing doesn't just happen usually. Did you try to change the names of the user accounts or did you happen to rename those particular users folders?
  11. djackmac

    Lost the ability to upload

    Could very likely be a hardware problem. Either a bad hard drive or even blown caps on the logic board. Those models had issues with blown caps.
  12. djackmac

    screen backlight

    Could be either the backlight or inverter. Both are pretty difficult even for someone like me that works on Apple laptops professionally and on a daily basis to replace in an ibook. Before you can even remove the screen to change either of these you need to remove the keyboard, bottom case, top...
  13. djackmac

    fixing read/write permissions on HP external drives

    OSX can't write to NTFS without 3rd party software or OS hacks. You need to repartition and reformat the drive. Repartition to GUID as apposed to MBR like it's current partition scheme. Then reformat to Mac OS extended (journaled). If you plan on using the drive with both Windows and OSX then...
  14. djackmac

    "No enought room on startup disk for Application Memory" when using the Accelerate Fr

    Pretty simple math. Obviously this app requires a ton of virtual memory which you are not giving it. I'd move up to at least a 1TB drive. You can even pop the 1TB drive into one of the other 3 drive bays and point the app to use that drive for virtual memory.
  15. djackmac

    I need help!

    Most of the advice DeltaMac gives is spot on, however a 35-pass erase will take days in most cases. A more accurate assessment is a single pass zero of the drive alone will take 2-4 hours depending on the size of the drive. I also would suspect a flaky drive considering the age of the machine...
  16. djackmac

    No entry after clone hdd

    If you could explain in detail how you did the "clone" than that would help determine what went wrong. Also, was the new drive actually new or had it previously been partitioned/formatted? Doing a disk utility restore should have worked if the drive was partitioned and formatted properly. If the...
  17. djackmac

    Remove from clipboard?

    When you bring up dashboard (or your widgets), on the bottom will be a + sign. Click the + and then a manage widgets button will appear.
  18. djackmac

    Cannot remove a broken sidebar folder alias in Finder window

    Or you could have went to finder/preferences/sidebar and unchecked what you didn't want listed.
  19. djackmac

    My HDD is damaged, and my Macbook can not start up. YIKES

    Sorry about the late reply. I don't hang out here much anymore. As previously mentioned, the reason to get the drive out of the machine is not because of other components, but to keep the drive as cool as possible, hence the fan blowing on the drive when its out. Once the drive is out of...