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  1. TitanShadow

    Mac OS X Volume...Gone?

    That is exactly it. Disk Warrior will do a lot of things that Disk Utility will not. It is almost always worth a try when dealing with Mac hardware issues.
  2. TitanShadow

    lost access to my system preferences

    Wow that is very odd. Never heard of that before, are there any other accounts to use? I would see if you can access prefs from another account. Have you tried to repair the disk using Disk Utility from the install DVD?
  3. TitanShadow

    Mac Keeps Crashing/Stalling

    There is no logical reason for permissions to get corrupted unless the system is unstable. I had more than one Linux boxes and more than one Mac and the only time things ever got corrupted was from a power outage or a badly made kernel extension that forces a reboot. You quote Apple talking...
  4. TitanShadow

    Mac Keeps Crashing/Stalling

    You know given that Mac OSX uses a *nix kernel I don't think one should have to do those steps on a regular basis. This isn't Windows.
  5. TitanShadow

    Official Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Thread & FAQ

    Sounds like you need to force it to dismount from the command line.
  6. TitanShadow

    Corrupt user account - Need to move mail

    No, I agree. I would copy the data folders first for Music, Documents, etc... There is a setting somewhere that is screwing you up. The above instructions for what folders to use should work but you may want to see if you can have Mail itself do the export. Failing that copying the entire...
  7. TitanShadow

    Mac OS X Volume...Gone?

    Sounds like you may have nukes your boot sector, normally I would suggest that you try Disk Utility from the DVD but you already have, I would thus go for bigger guns and spring for a copy of Disk Warrior, saved my butt mire than once. Even if it doesn't work now it is good to have in your toolkit.
  8. TitanShadow

    Corrupt user account - Need to move mail

    You could also make her old account have administrator rights and see if the software will install on it then. Other than that you can use the Terminal to actually clone her entire user profile into the new account.
  9. TitanShadow

    Missing iTunes files

    It could be a permissions problem. Try going into the properties of the Users folder on the external disk and in the Get Info screen set it's permissions so that everyone can read it and make sure it applies it to sub folders.
  10. TitanShadow

    Ridiculously slow internet

    Did you do a speed test and compare, if so what were the results?
  11. TitanShadow

    Server from Windows To Mac

    You don't even really need Windows server any windows box with files shared on the network should do the trick. Should be able to set a folder as shared and then proceed to access them from any computer on the network.
  12. TitanShadow

    Official Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Thread & FAQ

    I don't see any reason for 9 partitions. One should be just fine. And yes, there is a way to tell Disk Utility to unmount the disk, should be in the right clicking context menu or in one of the menus in the menu bar. I don't have my Mac in front of me right now so I can't check.
  13. TitanShadow

    Ridiculously slow internet

    You should do a speed test on each while nothing else is running... Compare the results, not only computer to computer but with how much bandwidth you actually have. Is the macbook directly connected or is it connected via wifi?
  14. TitanShadow

    Server from Windows To Mac

    What exactly are you wanting to do with the server?
  15. TitanShadow

    MacBook Pro won't connect to one PC

    Alright, this problem sounds familiar but I can't remember exactly how I solved it. There must be some difference between the one Mac and the others. What OS version is each mac running? Have you done any playing with any of the configuration files for file sharing like smb.conf or...
  16. TitanShadow

    Official Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Thread & FAQ

    Try using the terminal or disk utiliy from the install disk to manually unmount and/or repartition the disk before running the installer. From the terminal try using the umount command with sudo. Though disk utility would be a lot easier. To use the terminal to unmount, you need to first find...
  17. TitanShadow


    That sounds like something for Windows Media Player. Have you tried it from a Windows box or VM?
  18. TitanShadow

    Avatar Issues

    So, I tried this with a JPG, still no go, did not work.
  19. TitanShadow

    lost access to my system preferences

    What do you mean you havn't had your system preferences or mail preferences? Do you get an error? What do you mean?
  20. TitanShadow

    Avatar Issues

    I suppose that is the next step though I very much wanted to have transparency but alas of it cannot be, it cannot be.