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  1. chevy word association!

  2. chevy

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Just so perfect
  3. chevy word association!

  4. chevy

    I would like to just simply delete two plist files in Ventura. How?

    Maybe the newer version of the file has another name or location. I tend to use the Terminal for this kind of actions. And I prefer move to delete when experimenting.
  5. chevy

    Associative Development Thread

    Fisheman Friend Foe
  6. chevy

    Associative Development Thread

    attirement tie tee
  7. chevy

    Associative Development Thread

    NuBus Lisp Insipid
  8. chevy word association!

  9. chevy word association!

  10. chevy

    Associative Development Thread

    carved ski sky
  11. chevy

    USB-C (now that's part of iOS)

    USB-C is the mechanical format of the connector, so this is ok. But what version of the USB data or power protocol, this is never mentioned.
  12. chevy

    USB-C (now that's part of iOS)

    It's a bit more complicated. How fast are these really ? how much power can transfer ? and after a few months of usage, which one can do what ? should I measure and sign each one with a specific code ?
  13. chevy

    USB-C (now that's part of iOS)

    When will we get a simple classification of USB-C cables and will we be able to know which cable can charge, how fast, which one can transfer data, how fast...
  14. chevy

    Associative Development Thread

    danse scarf scarface
  15. chevy

    Associative Development Thread

    Donald Scrooge scrounge
  16. chevy

    Associative Development Thread

    off day brother
  17. chevy

    I would like to just simply delete two plist files in Ventura. How?

    When something is resisting, I use the Terminal. But be aware that hard deletion like that may "kill" your app. So you may want to save these first, or even read their content with the plutil command.
  18. chevy

    Associative Development Thread

    scotch brite bright
  19. chevy

    Associative Development Thread

    comb teeth gums
  20. chevy

    Associative Development Thread

    rebel yell yello