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  1. M

    TextPad or EditPlus alternative

    What happens when you double-click on the .jar archive?
  2. M

    Display fades

    It is a violation of etiquette to double-post.
  3. M

    Cannot be connected to yahoo mail

    I can assure you that your problem is not universal. I have no trouble accessing my free Yahoo! account from my MacOS X 10.4.11 computer, my OS X 10.8 laptop, my iPhone 4S, or my iPad. Therefore, you may rest assured that your problem is local to your system. It is on your system where...
  4. M

    Are you upgrading to Mountain Lion?

    I upgraded already. Zero problems. The most notable change that I see and one that I have heard absolutely no one comment on is that the venerable File/Save and File/Save As... are now gone. They have been replaced by File/Save..., File/Rename..., File/Move..., and couple of other options. You...
  5. M

    Genius tablet drivers

    So you joined this forum and revived a four-year-old thread for the sole purpose of posting gratuitous digs at other members? Welcome to the forum:rolleyes:
  6. M

    ibook g3 boot

    It sounds like you have a computer that had been owned by a school. It also sounds like your computer has two accounts. The one named student for student use; the account named admin belongs to the administrator. These are not boot options. When you get that screen, the computer has already...
  7. M

    Using an SSD in G5 Quad

    There are many ways to steal outright. Only the poor and uneducated do it by breaking and entering or at the point of a gun.
  8. M

    Using an SSD in G5 Quad

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but the first version of Windows was not stolen. Far from it. The first version of Windows was based on code that Microsoft licensed from Apple. Steve Jobs gave Microsoft a license to the Macintosh because he wanted Microsoft BASIC on the Macintosh. The...
  9. M

    Printers compatible with PowerPC

    Whether or not you may use a new printer with MacOS X 10.4 or 10.5 has everything to do with driver support and nothing to do with the processor. Manufacturer support is a business decision. A huge complement of orphaned printers is supported by the opensource CUPS project on all CUPS-compatible...
  10. M

    playing videos in MSS2 format

    Why are you reviving a three-year-old thread to post links to six-year-old software? Are you a spammer building his post count?
  11. M

    No audio on .m4v files after I encoded them!

    The specs that you posted indicate that your video is 28 seconds of 640x352 video. It sounds an awful lot like you downloaded the preview and not the actual video.
  12. M

    Ie need for web site thats all they use

    To bolster DeltaMac's point, the most recent version of IE:mac is Internet Explorer 5.2.3. It is highly unstable and compatible with virtually no web page on the Internet today. For your personal amusement, launch IE 5.2.3. Count the seconds before it crashes.
  13. M

    Folder on desktop disappeared and no longer exists!

    Two questions: Do you leave the folder on the Desktop where you created it? Was your Desktop on your boot drive/partition?
  14. M

    Folder on desktop disappeared and no longer exists!

    Refer to Post No. 11 immediately before your Post No. 12. Substitute After Effects for Word.
  15. M

    Finder Won't Let Me Move Files to my External

    Which files system do you have on the external drive?
  16. M

    How to set primary DNS to be manual and secondary to be DHCP?

    What Satcomer is telling you is that is your local computer known as localhost. To use as the IP-address for your DNS server, then you must run a DNS server on localhost. It is hard to put into words how little sense this makes.
  17. M

    Horizontal lines???

    The evidence that you presented indicates that this particular .jpg file is corrupt in some fashion. No other conclusion can be drawn because you present no other evidence.
  18. M

    Imoprting video from Sony Handycam

    Is this a serious post? If so, then: a) Connect your Sony to your MacBook Pro via FireWire. b) iMovie ships with every Mac. c) iDVD no longer is bundled with Macs. Use Roxio Toast.
  19. M

    Shortcut icons "disappearing" from desktop

    They are "Aliases." "Shortcut" is Windows parlance. The fate of your aliases are tied to the real objects that they are linked to. My first thought is that your icons are displayed as preview thumbnails. The preview thumbnail of a document with a lot of whitespace may appear to be blank. If...
  20. M

    Can't download anything in Chrome nor Safari. URGENT

    My reading of the message is that your Internet Servicer Provider blocked access to the site. The most likely explanation is that the download site is on a list of music piracy sites. This forum does not support piracy of any kind. It is a violation of the rules of this forum for members to help...