Search results

  1. ora

    I am attempting to try something geeky with boot camp and need advice

    I doubt it as installing via bootcamp is very much a special case of Windows installation - it was under 10.5 but i had issues with for instance using restore disks, as i could not boot to them - the only way i could boot an install disk was for totally reinstalling the win partition. You...
  2. ora

    MacHeist nanoBundle

    I want MarinerWrite really, but only for interest, between textedit, TextMate, Word 2008, Scrivener and CopyWrite i am pretty covered. I guess I am just acquisitive!
  3. ora

    Software to capture image of long web pages

    Print the page as a pdf? File>Print then hit the pdf button and either save as pdf, or maybe 'open pdf in preview' - from which you can save as jpeg or whatever.
  4. ora

    Final Cut Pro asks for AGP card on startup

    I don't think omnioutliner is a appropriate editor - try TextEdit or TextWrangler
  5. ora

    Sorting downloads by date downloaded

    Weird - why isn't date added a standard option in view options, when clearly the info is there.
  6. ora

    Sorting downloads by date downloaded

    Actually the question was already asked and answered here (i googled mac 'date downloaded').
  7. ora

    how to use screenshots more efficient

    bildschirmfoto is Grab i believe.
  8. ora

    Sorting downloads by date downloaded

    You can sort by date modified or date created, - put the Finder window in List view, (View>as list or apple-2)and click on the column header 'Date Modified' or Date Created'. That should work.
  9. ora

    how to use screenshots more efficient

    He means he/she screenshots out of PDFs and puts the screenshots into word documents I think Gia.
  10. ora

    MacHeist nanoBundle

    True EDCC - but this bundle is free as in beer - i would be more cautious if i were paying.
  11. ora

    MacHeist nanoBundle

    Cheers Rhapsody - i got the something is happening soon' mail from MH but didn't get round to looking at it as their little webapp crashed Safari.
  12. ora

    Google Wave

    Yep NB, it is far from perfect, but at least someone is starting the conversation. Any other takers?
  13. ora

    Google Wave

    Ferd - send me you email - ideally a gmail address, by PM. They take a few days to arrive though.
  14. ora

    Google Wave

    I have a few invites it seems, anyone in need?
  15. ora

    Google Wave

    Oh god, I have ended up advocating googlebook!
  16. ora

    Seeks Info: Best Hosting Experience

    I use Bluehost which has been cheap and pretty good. Not massive transfer speeds I admit but sufficient and their management and setup is easy. They use cpanel and simplescripts, which is a good system. I also have used GoDaddy and it was an appalling experience.
  17. ora

    Google Wave

    Email is an old protocol overloaded with newer features -hence why attachments increase the size of files. Use of rich features is unstable or incomplete, and if you get deluged with them it is oh so easy to get lost in the morass. I get a couple of hundred mails per day and in my industry i...
  18. ora

    Google Wave

    Anyone else get into the wave? It is kinda fun, and I can see it has potential - not sure it is the email killer yet, but it is a step in the right direction, and email really needs to be replaced in my opinion. This video explains hwo it works in an amusing but somewhat NSFW way (uses...
  19. ora

    Left or right?

    Another right hander here!
  20. ora

    Network needs an upgrade...

    Wireless is NOT good for gaming. You may get a 9ms latency sometimes but it will not be stable - your house geometry, other signals in the area etc are going to be a bigger factor than the router for this. If you are after a connection optimised for gaming, string an ethernet cable or get a...