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  1. ora

    Official Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Thread & FAQ

    I will probably backup 10.5 to time machine, wipe drive then install afresh for 10.6 disk using the time machine backup as a source - much like satcomer but in one step not two.
  2. ora

    What port(s) does Aperture use for upload?

    I did this with little snitch then This is before the selection screen for the book loads though - i don't actually want to make an order! I guess 443 for the setup and then 80 to uplaod the previews/files.
  3. ora

    Snow Leopard restarted while running Photoshop

    Adobe announced that only CS4 had been tested with 10.6 - though they then said at least CS3 PS appeared to work, but basically they only seem to support CS4 on 10.6. I read about this in the media several places including here in the last week or two.
  4. ora

    Older G4 slower than ever.

    More ram will also help, you can get up to 1.5gb in that machine i think.
  5. ora

    VLC is not playing Multiple region DVD

    You mean won't play DVDs from regions other than your own? This is normal. On some drives VLC acted as a region free player but by no means all. Quicktime Pro won't help either in thsi case.
  6. ora

    Never again a Mac

    So..... you want what from us?
  7. ora

    Problems with game controller

    What make? Do you have drivers for it etc? Have you tried looking for updated drivers on the manufacturer website?
  8. ora word association!

    pigs (English :) )
  9. ora

    Mac OS X Over the Years

    I wonder if anyone has screen-shots of the early OS X intel builds, as they claimed to have been compiling from x86 since public beta days.
  10. ora

    Mac OS X Over the Years

    Great site! I used to use the GUI Gallery for my research at university, which has less of a mac focus but is amusing for looking at Windows 1 etc. Mikuro - I didn't think the latest iTunes was brushed metal, more like 'unified' certainly not the obvious metal it used to be.
  11. ora

    Acid Search has buggered up Safari

    New version is probably just incompatible, as it uses SIMBL i think. If updating to the newest AcidSearch does not work there is little to do but remove it. Sometimes you can open the package and edit one of the files in it to allow later versions of Safari but this fails as often as it...
  12. ora

    Mac OS X Over the Years

    Link takes me to a page asking me to login.
  13. ora

    considering upgrading macbook to 6GB RAM

    Yep. If you already have 2x2gb (4 in total) you would have to throw away one of those boards. Not worth it yet. In 6 months i suspect 4gb boards will be affordable and 8gb boards will be the super expensive ones.
  14. ora

    considering upgrading macbook to 6GB RAM

    I agree, a 4gb board is ~5x the price of 2x2gb boards. I have 2x2gb in my macbook and it runs very well, I'd go for that then upgrade when the price comes down, doing that will probably still be cheaper than buying 4gb now.
  15. ora

    speedtouch 570 vs Azureus

    Using my psychic powers I am guessing that you need this for the 570 (or this for the 570v2 or this for the 570v4.2)
  16. ora

    JetTec ink

    Be careful, soem modern printers have soem sort of chip security to force you to use their own ink
  17. ora

    Amazon's misdeeds

    I care - though it is a tough one as its Amazon's API, hey call the shots, we have just got used to using them as free service. I am a Delicious Library user but it is risky to start a business based on servcies provided by other companies.
  18. ora

    laptop charger

    It doesn't matter what charger you have, the power cord part that connects the charger brick to the wall (whether the cord or the plug) is interchangeable. Either use the little plug you should have got with the machine originally or I bet you have a figure-8 cable in your house somewhere, see...
  19. ora

    laptop charger

    A normal figure-8 power cable should do (that is what I call them anyway) - they come with many devices. I mean this kind:
  20. ora

    Broken Harddrive-Old Windows

    In Vbox hit 'New', select the OS and give the VM a name, select the memory availabel to it on the next panel then on the screen after that you can hit 'existing' to use an existing VM. From the look of it that VM must be in /Users/YOURUSER/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/ though