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  1. ora word association!

  2. ora

    How to import notes from iTouch/Phone?

    Evernote has an iPhone client and i think will sync to the web/your machine.
  3. ora word association!

    porkupine Wahay! Always happy to see a fellow Cryptonomicon fan.
  4. ora

    Security - what happens if someone swipes my hard drive?

    If you have some sensitive files you can keep them in an encrypted disk image, which you can create using Disk Utility.
  5. ora

    Modem connection to airport extreme

    I don't think that is the issue, rather that his modem outputs over usb and his airport takes an ethernet input.
  6. ora

    Is it Legal to upgrade old mac mini with my new Os 10.5?

    I really need to put a page up about this somewhere :D If you buy second hand it has to be a retail disk, as I said black with a silvery X, not a grey disk. So, this appears to be a retail copy and would work while these woudl not work as they will only install on the machine they shipped with.
  7. ora word association!

  8. ora

    New Mac Book with no firewire port???

    For recovery, it is so easy to extract the HD from the new unibody macbooks that I would just invest in a 2.5" enclosure to be honest. The HD is just sitting in the same bay as the battery. This is the best picture i can find: The drive is on the left and the battery on the right. Removing...
  9. ora

    Is it Legal to upgrade old mac mini with my new Os 10.5?

    It is a: illegal and b: wouldn't work anyway as the disks that ship with new macs will install the OS only on that kind of mac. If you want 10.5 for your mini you will have to buy a retail copy of it (black disk with silver X on it not grey disk that came with the macbook).
  10. ora word association!

  11. ora word association!

  12. ora

    Selling websites via iweb

    A CMS is a piece of software that produces a website - you install it on your webserver then just plug in the pictures and words and it builds the code. They use 'themes' to determine how the pages look, which you can edit, Once set up with a theme, you can add/edit/remove content (text, images...
  13. ora

    Selling websites via iweb

    I doubt businesses would buy an iWeb site to be honest, it is a bit like selling graphics done in Microsoft Paint or page layout done in text edit. Unless you are very cheap and they have little cash there are many better options. That said as far as I am aware it would be by far the easiest...
  14. ora

    Anyone get this private message?

    I got that one as well, but I just deleted it, sorry cheryl!
  15. ora

    Found a way to change sound input/output from menu bar

    Ho folks, I had been in need of this for ages, a way to change the input and output devices for sound without going into System Preference, and I finally got round to a little focussed googling and found this: Works well so far!
  16. ora word association!

  17. ora word association!

  18. ora

    Changed permissions for "Everyone" to "No Access" and can no longer log in

    Hmmn, there might be a solution via logging in in single user mode, but I am not enough of a terminal guru to tell you how. You could do an archive & install - this reinstalls the OS but leaves all your files untouched. Might work to giive you a fresh install with correct permissions. To do...
  19. ora

    USB headset microphone not working

    I find on OS X you have to plug the usb headset in before launching skype, or it doesn't pick it up correctly.
  20. ora

    What kind of external drive should I buy?

    The clicking from the bad power supply (or catastrophically failed drive) is very noticeable, a lot more than normal 'drive in use' noise. Sounds like this is not the issue. That said in terms of what is on the disk the news probably isn't great. When you say it stops working on the new intel...