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  1. ora word association!

  2. ora

    Mac Viruses??

    Basically, no. There is very very little mac virus/spyware/malware. That is as long as you haven't downloaded pirate versions of Adobe CS4 or iWorks, or installed video codecs from porn sites.
  3. ora word association!

    the pale (You just reminded me of Space: Above & Beyond. Which i recently saw soem of and is unbelievably cheesy in retrospect.)
  4. ora

    Terminal HELP

    Not necessarily true! Only an Archive and Install or Upgrade installation leaves your files as they were. Those are option available by hitting the options button which comes up at some point in the install process. Ryan - I am not enough of a terminal guru to tell you how to do this but have...
  5. ora

    Any way to change the screen capture format? (.pdf)

    It might help...... but that post was 7 years ago!
  6. ora word association!

  7. ora

    help with macbook pro please!!!

    Hi, Your machine will not be running 10.0 - Leopard is 10.5. To see exactly what version click on the apple menu (top left of screen) and select 'about this mac'. Let us know the processor speed, ram and system version as these help us help you. To create newsletters ,banners, signs, calendars...
  8. ora word association!

  9. ora

    Looking for a new internal hard drive...

    It really wont help much at all. I would seriously, just get a 7200 rpm drive. Fast drives help only with booting and loading massive files, they will not help at all with processing, such as 3d rendering. If you want a faster machine i would greatly reccomend increased ram over a faster hd...
  10. ora

    Oracle to buy Sun, what happens to ZFS?

    The MySQL issue is of concern though, maybe it will be spun out again.
  11. ora


    Wrong section/unclear name
  12. ora

    MacBook harddrive upgrades?

    Get the 500gb Scorpio I have, its excellent!
  13. ora

    MacBook harddrive upgrades?

    I actually have the 5400 rpm 500 not the 7200 rpm, though i do get a speedboost from all the VM space I think. Be aware that a 7200 rpm drive will consume more power. Also be aware that aftermarket drives apparently do not get parked by the tilt sensor.
  14. ora

    MacBook harddrive upgrades?

    Hi CJ That should be fine, I have the 500gb WD scorpio in my macbook.
  15. ora word association!

    Interesting (Davies)
  16. ora word association!

  17. ora

    best way to compress files for mac and windows?

    Another possibility- use traditional rar tools (winrar and unrarx) then perhaps you could md5 checksums to ensure the files are uncorrupted. Another workaround but is all I can think of for now and can be done on both Mac and PC.
  18. ora

    How to delet windows partition?

    Pretty sure this spam matt (see links in post)
  19. ora

    best way to compress files for mac and windows?

    That was.... not a massively friendly reply (and actually got less friendly after the edit). I also just read your replied to EDCC in your other thread, which was similarly poor in tone. It is very easy to take things the wrong way online so it tends to be a good idea to be actively friendly...
  20. ora word association!
