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  1. martinatkinson

    Lets hack Jaguar!

    Like Xaqintosh said, check out the link in my first post about custom boot images. You can get your happy mac back or even put that cute little "hello" as your boot image as in the earlier betas of Jaguar! Or, feel free to create your own little happy mac using a new iMac instead. As Fujitsu...
  2. martinatkinson

    Lets hack Jaguar!

    Hmm...the only thing I could suggest is to do a hard reboot. I am thinking that when the system is started, the resources are loaded into the cache or memory so a simple log out would still display the image in the memory. If you reboot then it should reload the image and display the new one...
  3. martinatkinson

    Lets hack Jaguar!

    Hmm, looks like it is in: System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow/Contents/Resources/loginwindow.tiff This seems to be just the little icon at the top of the window. I do not know as I have never used the login panel, I have an auto-login. Let me know if this is what you were looking...
  4. martinatkinson

    Lets hack Jaguar!

    Does anybody know where the resources for the dock images are? I looked in (where the previous versions resources were) and there was just middle, left, and right _Original (the previous systems resources) Where are the new resources?
  5. martinatkinson

    Lets hack Jaguar!

    OK Guys, Its time to hack the system...find out where Apple hides all those little goodies, customize to your hearts content... OK, maybe people know this already, but: /System/Library/CoreServices/BootX: contains the boot image (Apple) and the missing disk image (Delete Sign) I have...
  6. martinatkinson

    Commonly Recognized...

    Trip, I have attached a sample of a couple things I threw together. First, these are not "everyday objects". Second, I am not an incredibly good logo designer so you might not like them but maybe they will give you inspiration as to something you could :D Anyway, I was tought...
  7. martinatkinson

    Shopping Cart Needed...

    Hello! I am starting up my own online christian book store. I am in need of a shopping cart for it and was wondering if anyone could help me out. I checked out all the popular sites such as and could not find any that seemed to fit my needs. Here is what I am looking...
  8. martinatkinson

    What if there is none?

    Hello! I am having trouble with the installation of an old beta of Jaguar. For some reason the disk will not boot up on my computer, it just gives me the flashing system folder. So, I decided to install it via the is what I did: This worked put all the...
  9. martinatkinson

    How does THIS look?...

    Lazzo, I think what iFunk was reffering to when he said "on a text field inside a form" was to put something like this: <form name="form1" method="post" action=""> <textarea name="textfield" onFocus="this.blur();">thank you muchly</textarea> </form> I have not tested this out but I...
  10. martinatkinson

    Icons you've made

    If you guys want to see my first attempt at imatating Aqua, take a look at my avatar...I designed a series of smilies from scratch in PS 7 with many expressions (even an alien if I remember right) ;) Not the best, but I suppose it is worth mentioning :) Albert
  11. martinatkinson

    Who uses themes?

    lol...that is why I installed everything by hand...takes a little time, but makes sure a third party app does not screw you up...just make sure you add a "BACKUP" at the end of the file names before your replace them (ExtrasBACKUP.rsrc, BootBACKUP.pdf, etc) Snowball, thanks for the heads up...
  12. martinatkinson


    I was not meaning Apple charging for iTools Pro is wrong...I was meaning if Apple took everything it had right now (iCards, Mail, iDisk, etc.) and started charging for them without offering a scaled down version free. This does seem to be the way everything is turning out, at first, a company...
  13. martinatkinson

    Update to Aqua -!

    I know, they need to really go through their site and take A BUNCH of stuff out...there is ancient stuff in there: Using google's search, I found tons of outdated pages and images...
  14. martinatkinson


    Alrighty, I like the idea of .Mac but if Apple starts to charge for the services I will go crazy...this is something M$ would do, not Apple :( However, it sounds to me like they will charge for advanced features and still let you have the existing features free. I would be willing to pay...
  15. martinatkinson

    How does THIS look?...

    lol...cabbage...if you just checked this site recently then you are looking at a newer design...good eye though! This thread was posted in January of this year, I thought it was time for a change. When I designed the update I used Photoshop 7 and GoLive 6 :) Classic is pretty much obsolete...
  16. martinatkinson

    Who uses themes?

    I am using a theme called "Milk" in 10.1.5...I like it a is great for design work as it has no lines and all the annoying colors. However, when I move to Jaguar I will probably not use any themes. I really like the new look from the screenshots :) I just wish Apple would build in...
  17. martinatkinson

    Some jokes...

    Here are a couple good ones: A priest and pastor from the local parishes are standing by the side of the road holding up a sign that reads, "The End is Near! Turn yourself around now before it's too late!" They planned to hold up the sign to each passing car. "Leave us alone you...
  18. martinatkinson

    What is the most popular Hard Disk Name?

    I have always named my hard drives after the code name of the computer I am on. On my Quicksilver I have the following three drives: Quicksilver HD (main sucker that came with the computer) Quicksilver HD Classic (everything classic related is on this drive, haven't launched classic in a...
  19. martinatkinson

    What kinds of computers have you owned?

    lol...I didn't know people named their computers :D Anyway, here is a pretty complete list of my computers (in order of purchase): Ancient DOS-based PC (DOS) Performa 630CD (OS 7.X) PowerMac 8500 (OS 10.0, OS 9.1) Mac IICX (OS 6.5) PowerMac G4 @ 733MHz (OS 10.15, OS 9.21) That is...
  20. martinatkinson

    Installing Jaguar 6C92...

    Yeah...CD-RW's don't store much space at all (and also take a good amount of time to burn in 10.1)...but if you don't have an external hard drive that is the second to the best thing to use...of course if you have a SuperDrive I would use a DVD-RAM :) Oh, and Hector, I just thought of a...