Search results

  1. martinatkinson

    Installing Jaguar 6C92...

    Hello! Whenever you do such a large system upgrade it would be very smart to back up ALL important data. There are two kinds of people in the world, people who have lost data and people who will. Even when upgrading to a "stable" public release, people have lost data. So, I would...
  2. martinatkinson

    Aquafy The Poll

    I too would not mind a new Aqua interface. I don't want a copy of Apple, I think an aqua look with white and silver would look cool :) Nothing fancy though, we don't want to make the pages load slowly and the design clean. I think I can see why Admin is not crazy about a new is...
  3. martinatkinson

    ack!!! 10.2 Menu Extras...

    Hello JetosX! I don't know if you found out how to (legaly) obtain copies of 10.2...but thought I would post it in case you did not: Apple Beta Testing Sign Up Form Please note that this does not guarantee that you will be able to beta test for them...they say that if you meet hardware...
  4. martinatkinson Products?

    Yes, I can see that he might feel this way (I wish he would respond and give his point of view) The way I see it, is Admin is REALLY busy lately...that is why he set someone else up as head I do not think he would have the time to do something like this...and since I have offered...
  5. martinatkinson Products?

    That is the baseball jersey, the cap with the black visor is the baseball cap :) This would be a cool idea, xoot, but the problem is that they would be SUPER small...we could probably do the avatar on the pocket or something...however it would still be small as the pocket dimensions are 6x6"...
  6. martinatkinson Products?

    OK, so you guys can SEE what everything looks like, I have taken snaps of all the products before the actual graphics are added on them... Enjoy! Albert
  7. martinatkinson Products?

    lol...Trip, you would have to talk to the admin about that since I don't really have that kind of a budget :D Hey, where's Ed and the rest of the Fantasy Baseball team...they should get some of the baseball t-shirts and hats :p If anyone else is interested let me know... Albert
  8. martinatkinson Products?

    Hello! I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if had its own product line? You know T-shirts, coffee mugs, mouse pads...So I was thinking I should start an online store...but first, I would like to make sure others are interested. So...who here would be interested in purchasing the...
  9. martinatkinson

    I need help! Legality issues, I'm getting filed! :o

    Hello Trip! I agree with all the above posts, first, when you get a client, you should explain to him that the work is yours and that if he quits using you that the graphics do not belong to easy way to enforce this is when sending a graphic to him for critique put a nice watermark...
  10. martinatkinson

    What Is The Best Forum Software

    I really think phpBB is nice. I seem to be able to skin it easier then I have other bullettin boards. And hey, its free, you can't beat that :) Have a great day! Albert
  11. martinatkinson

    Any Network Cocoa-ers Here?

    Arghh, forgot the attachment of the smilies :) It is attached below: Albert
  12. martinatkinson

    Any Network Cocoa-ers Here?

    I will need some smilies, user icons (like avatars, only 32x32pix), and two app icons done. Someone has already thrown together some smilies for me...see the attached file for a snap of what they have done...I really like the aqua bubble under them but I think some of the expressions could be...
  13. martinatkinson

    Any Network Cocoa-ers Here?

    Oops, forgot one thing...I will also need someone that is good at Aqua icons to volunteer to do some toolbar icons, app icon, etc. I have someone who would be willing to do it for $50 and will probably go with him if no one else steps forward...I do not really look forward to dishing out that...
  14. martinatkinson

    Any Network Cocoa-ers Here?

    I am really sorry guys that I did not respond sooner. I am not ignoring you, I just never got a notification that this was replied to :eek: Anyway, alesh and macxonly, thanks for offering to help. I know I will need your help...once my volunteer programmer finishes the frameworks I will be...
  15. martinatkinson

    New Themes/Smileys

    Hello! Here, a drowned smilie :D Albert
  16. martinatkinson

    Any Network Cocoa-ers Here?

    Ughh, maybe I should just cut the development of Swap, it looks like everyone thinks it is a bad idea. Have not had one person interested in helping in the open source development. :D And it looks like Göran has his spies all over the web :D I was really interested in making a really...
  17. martinatkinson

    New Themes/Smileys

    Hello! What colors would you suggest? I know the embarressed icon gets red but what were you thinking? I will see what I can do in Photoshop but since I did not design these I do not have the PSD file. Have a great day! Albert
  18. martinatkinson

    New Themes/Smileys

    Hello! Here are the ones that I think might look nice Big Grin Smile Sad Surprised Eek Confused Cool LOL Mad Razz Embarressed Crying Evil Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink Exclaim Question Idea Arrow Neutral These have a slightly OS X shine on them, let me know what you...
  19. martinatkinson

    Longest Uptime??

    Hello! Hmm, this is weird, when I upgraded to 10.1.4 and checked my uptime it told me I had 365 days of uptime :rolleyes: it was very weird but it kept count, every day would add another day to the figure, when I restarted again the problem went away... Well, I upgraded to 10.1.5 but guess...
  20. martinatkinson

    How To: Make Internet Explorer Beautiful as OmniWeb!

    Really? That is neat, that was one of the things I did not like about Office X was the lack of AntiAliasing...I still do not quite understand why they did not make Office X in Cocoa, it won't work in Classic anyway so why make it in Carbon? Anyway, maybe this means they will have...