Search results

  1. martinatkinson

    Longest Uptime??

    Hello! What ISP do you use? I use Earthlink and it is a pain because I am kicked off the internet every 24hrs (plus the fact that I only have one phone line and a cell phone is another reason I am only online at nights and early mornings) I checked and EVERY co around is...
  2. martinatkinson

    Longest Uptime??

    Hello! Trip: I think this does mean how many users have connected to your macintosh but also through Ethernet. Do you have you computer on an Ethernet network with other macs? If someone on another computer in the network will mount your hard drive I am pretty sure it will count it as a...
  3. martinatkinson

    Help Wanted: iPhoto

    Hey guys! Well, I just downloaded iPhoto and it is really a great app. I might just delete image capture when Apple updates it so you can download part of the images from your memory card. Well, I do have this one problem. I am making a year book so I snapped some picts, imported them in...
  4. martinatkinson

    Installing in BIN folder...

    Hello! Just thought I would point out something interesting. Now I know most of you Unix GURU's are all rolling your eyes that I just now found this out. But, I am hoping that some newbie might benifit from this. Before now, I thought that in order to run a script (say antiword) from the...
  5. martinatkinson

    Need some quick help...

    Hello! Well, since no one here seemed to know about this question I emailed the Cocoa developer mailing list. Found an open source browser-type application that had exactly what I needed. Sorry to clutter this board so admin you can delete this post if you want to. Have a great day...
  6. martinatkinson

    web hosting dillema

    Hello! I switched to Apple's Homepage a long time ago as Apple has no forced banner ads or anoying popup ads. One thing is I just wish I could figure out how to FTP to my server through Fetch to upload files instead of mounting my iDisk. Have a great day! Albert
  7. martinatkinson


    Hello! Yes, I know, just some wishful thinking ;) Have a great day! Albert
  8. martinatkinson

    Cinema display arrived..

    Hello! That is why I usually always buy any products through a third party catalog reseller. MacMall or MacZone have been the fastest in my cases. I ordered my 733 Mhz from MacMall using regular ground shipping and it got to me in less then 48 hours! Once I used MacZone and got it...
  9. martinatkinson

    RC5 Problems...

    Hello! OK, I just heard about the RC5 program a few days ago and I downloaded the Mac OS X Terminal script. I tryed to set it up and configure it but it kept giving me "dnetc: Unable to initialize timers." messages. Finally, one of the people in the IRC chat room suggested I...
  10. martinatkinson


    Hello! Wow, pretty cool! I would definitly buy one as soon as it came out. Anybody have any idea how much it will cost? It would be awesome if it was about the same price or cheaper then the iPod. Goodbye Kodak! Also, if they make a docking station I sure do hope that they do not make...
  11. martinatkinson

    Need help! How can this be done?

    Hello! Thank you so very much! Can you tell me what apps you used to do this? I tried using the tracing tool in Freehand 5.0 but with no luck. Once again, thanks for your guys help! Albert
  12. martinatkinson

    Windows XP theme for OSX...

    Hello! ablack6596: Thank you for posting that pict, now lets see my PC freinds shoot a double-take of my computer. "Is that really XP???" :D Have a great day! Albert
  13. martinatkinson

    Need some quick help...

    Hello! Well, guess that stumped everyone :) On second thought all that I need it to render is the basic formating and also load images and make URL's clickable. No form support or other fancy stuff is needed. Can someone show me how to do this or refer me to a website that has some...
  14. martinatkinson


    Hello! Sounds like a great idea! Definitly would save more space and make it a cleaner interface. I am kinda taking a break on this project and working more on BullFrog but will come back soon with some more updates. Have a great day! Albert
  15. martinatkinson

    Windows XP theme for OSX...

    Hello! Pretty cool theme but I think I will stick to my original one. However, someone who has this theme, could you please post the desktop picture (wallpaper) that is used in that screenshot? I would like to use it for something. Have a great day! Albert
  16. martinatkinson

    Need help! How can this be done?

    Hello! I have a small problem. A graphic I have measures out to be 1"x1" but for what I will be using it for I really need it to be 15"x15". If I try to scale it up in Photoshop I get jagged edges or a weird lumpy sort of edge. Anyone know how I can do this? The pict is attached to this...
  17. martinatkinson

    Need some quick help...

    Hello! I am making a program called BullFrog and one of the things I am trying to do is this: I have a text field, button, status field and text field. I have gotten it so that the user enters a web address, clicks the button and the source appears in the text field. Here is what I need...
  18. martinatkinson

    a new eyeon design!

    Hello! I too like the older site, here are some problems I found with your old one: 1.) On your contact page you made the link to your email address "" The browser interprets this as a link to "" and thus you get a 404...
  19. martinatkinson

    My New Mac

    Hello! I strongly agree with the RAM thing, I have 384Mb of RAM in my 733Mhz Quicksilver and it fills out so fast (I found this out thanks to MUG by simX) For example, as I am writing this I have the following apps open: Finder 10.13 Mail 1.1 Internet Explorer 5.1 Internet Connect 1.1...
  20. martinatkinson

    Photoshop 7.0

    Hello! I timed it recently and it took about 60 seconds to load on my G4, not bad but it takes less then half that time to open the classic version (5.5) of Photoshop. It also takes about the same amount of time just to quit the beta version which is really a pain. This may be partly...