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  1. bobw

    Recover files from trash can to original folder

    For the intelligence part, Apple assumes we Mac users are more intelligent than a PC user :) Don't put files in the trash unless you're sure you want to trash them. OS X is built on Unix, and it's an unforgiving system for trashed files once you empty the trash. As for your problem, it's...
  2. bobw

    Recover files from trash can to original folder

    If you put a file in the trash and don't do anything else, you could go to the Edit Menu to the Undo command, but that will only work if you haven't touched the machine since moving the file. List the files in the trash, maybe someone here can tell you where they came from. For now I would...
  3. bobw

    Recover files from trash can to original folder

    Just open the Trash and drag them out and put where you want them. No command that I know of to do what you ask.
  4. bobw

    stupid appleworks question!

    Go to Page Setup under the File Menu.
  5. bobw

    Safari 3.0.2 beta released

    This doesn't happen to me. Focus is in the URL bar in any window or tab opened.
  6. bobw

    Slow startup, and Option key not read

    Try booting holding the C key down with the installer disc in.
  7. bobw

    iTunes account required for iPhone.

    If iPhone syncs to your Mac, you should be able to transfer songs from iTunes on the Mac to the iPhone. I doubt you'll need an iTunes account for that.
  8. bobw

    Port Mapping w/Airport Utility
  9. bobw

    Safari 3.0.2 beta released

    Apple has released Safari 3.0.2 beta for Mac OS X, which provides the following bug fixes/enhancements: Includes the latest security updates for Safari. Safari might unexpectedly quit when parental control features are enabled for an account (fixed). Safari might unexpectedly quit when sending...
  10. bobw

    changing another users password

    Boot off the OS X install disc. There's a Reset Password command under one of the Menus.
  11. bobw

    Installer problem

    Sounds ok, but what is the name of the .pkg?
  12. bobw

    Re Join Macosx as Volunteer

    I've set you as a Volunteer Tech. See if you have access now.
  13. bobw

    Inventory Management Software

    Browse through Here
  14. bobw

    Apple mail initiated AppleScript.

    Take a look Here and Here
  15. bobw

    Apple mail initiated AppleScript.

    Try this; tell application "System Events" to sleep
  16. bobw

    Leopard resolution independence!!

    Resolution Independence In Leopard, the system, including the Carbon and Cocoa frameworks, will be able to draw user interface elements using a scale factor. This will let the user interface maintain the same physical size while gaining resolution and crispness from high dpi displays. This...
  17. bobw

    Finder stopped working when I forced an updater to quit

    Try Repair Permissions in Disk Utility. If that doesn't fix it, boot off the 10.4 disc and Repair Disk. Once an Apple install begins, don't stop it. Let it finish.
  18. bobw

    Can Firefox disable sound in a Mac?

    You might want to start with Repairing Permissions, then Repair Disk off the OS X Install disc.
  19. bobw

    What do I need????

    Check here for some good prices on wireless routers.
  20. bobw

    Powerbook G4 firmware help.

    Have him try zapping the Pram