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  1. bobw

    How do I install Personal Web Sharing from install Disk?

    Maybe try downloading and installing the Intel 10.4.9 Combo Updater
  2. bobw

    Lost Bluetooth!

    1) Unplug ALL USB devices 2) delete ~/Library/Preferences/ 3) Power down the computer 4) Take the battery out 5) Leave the computer off for a couple minutes 6) Replace battery 7) Reboot the computer
  3. bobw

    Can anyone help with laptop settings?

    Clarissa, posting a link like that again will get you banned.
  4. bobw

    No screen/CRT illumination on Sage G3

    If you have a new Pram battery, and now you don't have the startup chime, I would try try resetting the Cuda; 1 Unplug the computer. 2 Remove the battery from the logic board. 3 Disconnect the power supply cable from the logic board and then press the Cuda Reset button. (See “Logic Board...
  5. bobw

    Video Capture and iChat?

    There is this and there is
  6. bobw

    Finder not loading

    That list is exactly what's in mine. Safe Mode loads only required kernel extensions (some of the items in /System/Library/Extensions). Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger only: It disables all fonts other than those in /System/Library/Fonts Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger only: It disables all startup items and any...
  7. bobw

    Finder not loading

    You don't have any items in System/Library/Startup Items?
  8. bobw hates me :(

    Been using Eudora for years with no problems. An open source version of Eudora® is being developed by Mozilla and will be free of charge.
  9. bobw

    Finder not loading

    Something in the Startup Items is most likely causing the problem. Either in System/Library/Startup Items, Library/Startup Items or User/Library/Startup Items
  10. bobw

    Ok what the heck is this?

    Surface machines will cost $5000 to $10,000 at launch, so probably not many of us will be buying.
  11. bobw

    Mac security testing sites

    Scanit worked fine for me. There's a Port scan tool here, but it's off line right now. Check it later. http://dslreports/tools
  12. bobw

    iSight Sys file for Windows XP

    My iSight doesn't work on Parallels Desktop for Mac. To solve the iSight problem please follow these steps: Install BootCamp drivers: Download and install the latest Apple Boot Camp from Open Macintosh HD - Applications - Utilities Mark Boot Camp Assistant...
  13. bobw

    Salvaging Old Drives

    Buy one enclosure, put the drives in one at a time, get the data off each, then buy a large (250GB or more) and put in the external.
  14. bobw

    Mac security testing sites

    Try this;
  15. bobw

    Finder not loading

    Stuffit can cause Finder problems. Check your Contextual Plig-ins folder in User/Library and Library/
  16. bobw

    Finder not loading

    See if you can boot in Safe Mode. Hold the Shift key while booting.
  17. bobw

    No screen/CRT illumination on Sage G3

    The clock battery may be dead. I would leave it plugged in for 24 hours then try starting. If it doesn't start, replace the clock battery.
  18. bobw

    RAM Question

    Sorry, I was looking at the MacPro. The memory for the Intel iMac and MacBook Pro is the same.
  19. bobw

    RAM Question

    The iMac Intel uses 200-pin memory The MacPro uses 240-pin memory So, No.