Search results

  1. bobw

    iphoto - flip photos

    Check Applescript. It has a folder action for flipping.
  2. bobw

    iphoto - flip photos

    I looked at mine and don't see any option for flipping, even in the Help Menu Preview has a flip command.
  3. bobw

    Should donating organs by compulsory?

    If the doctors and hospital want to split their fee with me, prior to my death, they can have anything.
  4. bobw

    Gray Screen, Folder Icon, Question Mark, HD Died.

    Have you tried booting from your Installer disc and running Disk Utility on the drive?
  5. bobw

    ARD3 UNIX Commands

    Download This Manual and look at the Unix Commands
  6. bobw

    ARD3 UNIX Commands
  7. bobw

    Blackberry 8800 macbook pro?

    Check This.
  8. bobw

    bonjour scanning

    The USB port on the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) supports printing ONLY. It does not provide support for scanning.
  9. bobw

    iMacs - update coming? I want to buy!

    The refreshed iMac, currently on track to arrive by the end of June according to sources, will feature just 20- and 24-inch models. All just rumors. Apple is always tight lipped. I would guess by the end of June.
  10. bobw

    Hard Drive Organisation

    I'd use SuperDuper.
  11. bobw

    Hard Drive Organisation

    Yea, what fryke said :)
  12. bobw

    Applescript help requested

    The assist somehow supposedly makes the script work. I can't take credit for the script. I found it here; for more help with the script post there. It's a great resource for scripting.
  13. bobw

    Compatibility Issues

    Buy me something nice while you have that card :)
  14. bobw

    Is this a hardware problem?

    DiskWarrior can usually fix this error. If you have the latest version, give it a try.
  15. bobw

    Applescript help requested

    Open this Scriplet in your Editor: tell application "Safari" to activate tell application "System Events" tell process "Safari" to click menu item "Private Browsing" of menu "Safari" of menu bar 1 end tell Make sure "Enable access for assistive devices" is checked in the Universal Acces...
  16. bobw

    Compatibility Issues

    Correct, get ARD 3 if you're using Intel Macs.
  17. bobw

    Safari search box
  18. bobw

    233 iMac identification help needed

    For that machine, according to MacTracker; Memory - Rev A 384MB - Rev B 512MB