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  1. H


    Here's a little more info...$819
  2. H


    I do remember some time ago hearing about a possible Apple project for messaging. I think it was supposed to have IM's, internet phone, and some other stuff. Don't quote me on this but I believe it was supposed to be a better version of AIM with move phone features.
  3. H


    well, netsol whois says apple owns it! Registrant: Apple Computer, Inc. (IPHONE11-DOM) 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 US Domain Name: IPHONE.ORG
  4. H

    VPN software?

    So has anyone had any luck connecting their mac to a network via VPNing with PPTP into a VNP server? ( hope I explained that correctly ) I want to login to my work's network from home using some sort of VPN client. The mac link about just looks like it for ISDN or DSL account login...
  5. H

    What can U do with Dreamweaver U can't with Golive?

    From my experience I really don't see any huge differences between the two applications as far as function. The main difference is the interface. Golive has a more "Adobesque" interface which you'd be familiar with if working in Photoshop and Illustrator with is tool panels. Dreamweaver...
  6. H

    tracking my dynamic IP address remotely by e-mail

    It's been a while since I've used it. They may have changed their pricing structure....or I may just have been smoking crack. Does DNS2Go let you create alias's and hosts now? Or do you have to set it up where they point all...
  7. H

    Software Update

    Twister, I believe the updater wants to try to install the foreign language updates because they're already on your system. By default the 10.1 updater installs the foreign language packs by default ( correct me if I'm wrong on this. ) Next time you do an install of 10.1, choose custom...
  8. H

    tracking my dynamic IP address remotely by e-mail

    bev... Your best bet is to go somewhere like and look for mac clients for Dynamic DNS there are several listed there. The one I use for has a *unix version that I compiled for Mac OSX and it works great. :::Side Note: I used to use DNS2GO. The good thing is it...
  9. H

    tracking my dynamic IP address remotely by e-mail

    bev, I had the same problem. I have DSL service that assigns dynamic IPs to my machine so that I can't set up DNS service on my machine. I had a domain but no IP to point it to so I looked into dynamic DNS services and they're really not that expensive or hard to set up. I went...
  10. H

    How do you install Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X?

    I have iMac with a 40 gig HD. I installed OS X on my internal iMac drive. For OS 9, I went and bought an IDE to firewire kid and another maxtor 40 gig HD. I did this so that it wasn't doing reads all over one disk on two partions so it wasn't fighting over seek time... so that OSX runs...
  11. H

    To Go Where No PC Has Gone Before

    Maybe apple is referring to computers in general as PC's, Apple & Intel/AMD. "Where no PC has gone before..." And with a PDA, you can take to more places than a PC, more easily. Maybe it's a play on the portability of a PDA... even more portable than a laptop. Just another one of my...
  12. H

    To Go Where No PC Has Gone Before

    Yeah, I thought it was really strange that Apple would use the term pc, which made think they weren't referring to an Apple computer but to a Intel/AMD machine. I've also noticed a lot of automatic support for PC branded devices I try on my apple with OSX. They usually work no problem...
  13. H

    Are G5s Being Released at MWSF in Jan?

    If you can wait I would. Not real sure that the G5's are going to be released, but you might as well wait and get the new whatever they release.
  14. H


    sounds like a possible DNS problem.... If you can view some sites then this more than likely means your connecting alright just not able to resolve some of sites address... will wait for you to respond with hardware and more info...
  15. H

    VPC 5 OSX : So $*&% slow!

    I thought that OS X provided for better performance for software emulation...or is that just for PPC to PPC instructions and not x86 to PPC? I bought my upgrade to VPC 5 hoping from major speed boosts over their OSX preview version but was majorly disappointed when I got it installed. I...
  16. H

    Trouble sleeping...

    Um, for some reason sometimes when I return to my computer and move the mouse to make the screen come back up my top apple bar is gone and there is a scrambel of lines at the bottom of my screen, as if the dock ran all the way across the screen and is blurred. I don't have my computer put...
  17. H

    New Virtual PC alternative?

    Has anyone had a chance to play/test out OpenOSX software's WinTel CD? Looks like it's just a package installer of Bochs. Any comments?
  18. H

    Virtual PC 5 performance?

    Is there firewire support in VPC5? I want to be able to connect to my DV Camcorder in a windows environment via firewire!
  19. H

    great firewire cd-rws.

    I actually went and bought one of those firewire to IDE cases that allow you to put and an external IDE cd/rw/dvd/hd or whatever in it and connect to your mac through firewire. I have several cdrw drives around that were bought to work in my Windoze PCs every single one I hooked up and...