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  1. Captain Code

    Official MacWorld 2008 Thread

    I hope the previous AppleTV gets updated to support these new features.
  2. Captain Code

    Official MacWorld 2008 Thread

    That's actually not a bad price for movie rentals. It's pretty much the same price here except the grocery store which is $1.99 for a 2 day rental.
  3. Captain Code

    Official MacWorld 2008 Thread

    Presumably they'll enable the AirDisk for TimeMachine backups because this seems to be all it is but just with a built in hard drive. There's already a 3rd party program that allows you to do it.
  4. Captain Code

    Leopard Server on new Mac Mini?

    Pretty much all DVD-ROM drives can read dual layer, they just can't all write them. So if your Mini supports Leopard's required specs then you can install it.
  5. Captain Code

    Images on Mac look different than Windows

    Windows has a different gamma than OS X. This makes Windows show images darker than on the Mac.
  6. Captain Code

    Amazon threatens iTunes

    I really don't think anyone is going to want to pay for podcasts.
  7. Captain Code

    Amazon threatens iTunes

    I hope so but of course it relies on the labels allowing it. There's no real reason for a label to offer DRM free files to Amazon and not to Apple except to try and force Apple to offer them better terms.
  8. Captain Code

    How to tell if disk is UFS?

    You can tell when you are booted off of the installation CD(or any boot disk) by opening Disk Utility and selecting your drive name. At the bottom you will see your volume format. I highly doubt your volume is UFS because it is not the default. More likely it is HFS+ without Journaling and it...
  9. Captain Code

    to use my new $200 ipod i need to buy a $130 operating system?

    Well they have to draw the line somewhere. Supporting 10.3 means they can't add some features to iTunes because they have to rely on old APIs and no new ones. Should the iPod work with OS 9? 10.1? 10.3 isn't that old but Apple has said a very high number of their users are on 10.4 already(I...
  10. Captain Code

    limiting time machine

    Click the options button in Time Machine setup in System Preferences and add the drives you don't want to back up to the part that days "Do not back up"
  11. Captain Code

    Help recording IP addresses using PHP! Need help ASAP.

    OK, well you can give it a shot then and see how it performs. The code is pretty simple; get IP address, open file, read line by line and compare. If not found, append to end of file I don't have much time to try and write the code myself but look at fopen and fgets This is a good start...
  12. Captain Code

    Help recording IP addresses using PHP! Need help ASAP.

    Do you have access to a database? Doing that is going to start out fast but quickly become very slow checking all those lines in the text file. With a database you can have your IP address field indexed and it'll be very fast to check against existing entries this way.
  13. Captain Code

    A database software failure?

    OK I see it's changed a lot since the last time I looked at it.
  14. Captain Code

    A database software failure?

    I'm not really sure what you're talking about. FileMaker isn't meant to be a large scale internet database. Get a real relational database for that and keep your FileMaker databases for desktop applications.
  15. Captain Code

    Apple versus Crucial memory, price diff!

    $1000? Are you sure about that? You're not looking at the Mac Pro memory are you?
  16. Captain Code

    iTunes Canada now has TV shows

    I think Comwave got the name from Apple even though they may have had a product first. iPhone rumors have been going on for so long, way before Comwave's iPhone (VoIP) was out.
  17. Captain Code

    iTunes Canada now has TV shows No American shows yet :( I'm not sure how well just these shows will do, I hardly watch any of them, just sometimes watch Corner Gas when it's on and nothing else is.
  18. Captain Code

    Why the periodic delays?

    I can't say I've noticed any problems like you're having. I'm using my own DNS server but certainly OpenDNS shouldn't be going down or slow.
  19. Captain Code

    Mac Programming

    Cocoa Dev Ranch is supposed to be good. 1 week of learning Cocoa. I believe they assume you know some basic programming concepts.
  20. Captain Code

    Deleting Threads

    Nothing. Regular users can't delete threads.