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  1. Captain Code

    Can Time Machine Backup to Network Without Creating Images

    There's no other option right now. I believe the reason is that AFP doesn't support some things that Time Machine needs such as permissions. AFP doesn't support changing permissions of files. On a Time Machine disk image, the files are owned by you. On AFP the permissions you get are those...
  2. Captain Code

    Provider-free iPhone now available...

    That's really expensive :eek:
  3. Captain Code

    Time Machine - finding a network drive

    Guess you missed my post right before yours ;) I've been using it this way since Leopard came out and it's working fine except for my own caused problem. I managed to corrupt the backup image by force disconnecting my VPN connection to my home where the backup volume is when I was at school...
  4. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    The best place to report bugs is You need to sign up for a free developer account but those bugs definitely get looked at and very frequently. I usually get some feedback from an Apple engineer within a few days to 1 week.
  5. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Same here, not that it really matters to me, but it was a cool show off feature.
  6. Captain Code

    Time machine restrictions

    For now just type in terminal on the client: defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1 It might be best to either only allow one client to back up per drive or have one partition for each machine. The reason is that Time Machine will keep eating all the...
  7. Captain Code

    Leopard 10.5 - How to force windows to stay on top

    There's no real need for what you want to do. You can now scroll windows in the background applications in Leopard simply by putting the mouse cursor over the window and using the scroll wheel on your mouse or the 2 finger scrolling on the laptops.
  8. Captain Code

    Subversion + Leopard

    Yes there is, here's some instructions I found That's for Leopard Server but on the client it's not much different.
  9. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Because the Finder has not, ever, in the history of Mac, supported file cut. It's not supposed to in Leopard. It's possible somehow you enabled it and Apple has been working on it but ask any one else and they will give you the same answer. Finder supports copy, not cut.
  10. Captain Code

    flip4mac alternative????

    Flip4Mac player is free
  11. Captain Code

    Cannot Import C-Class into NIB?

    How are you doing it? You can just drag the header file or you can chose to read the header file from IB. The class won't show up anywhere in IB until you create an object and assign it as your custom class. Such as if you are subclassing NSWindowController, you read your class header file...
  12. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Nope, it's not supposed to.
  13. Captain Code

    [HOW-TO] Delete all copies of a file from Time Machine

    So you accidentally backed up something you didn't want through Time Machine? Well, you've probably tried going to the Time Machine backup volume and seeing if you can delete it. You'll find that there are possibly hundreds of hard links and the Finder won't let you delete them anyways. So...
  14. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    The Finder doesn't do cut. The cut menu item is always grayed out for me no matter what file I select. CMD+x does nothing either. This is how it's always been.
  15. Captain Code

    Accessing NSTextView String value

    It just so happens I'm working on string parsing data delimited by tabs(\t). I found the best method to do it built into NSString componentsSeparatedByString: (NSString*) Gives you an NSArray without doing any work :D
  16. Captain Code

    Accessing NSTextView String value

    For the string parsing, check out this I haven't used structs in Objective-C but since it's a super set of...
  17. Captain Code

    Postfix and Mail Console Errors

    Postfix is an SMTP server. I think the question to ask is, why does your postfix try to start? It's not supposed to be starting on OS X client unless you've told it to do so. It doesn't sound like this is something you did though so I'm not sure why it would be trying to start.
  18. Captain Code

    Time Machine - finding a network drive

    Or try this, which I posted a few days ago:
  19. Captain Code

    System won't shutdown - Leopard

    Try unplugging all USB devices except your keyboard and mouse. It's crashing in the USB driver.
  20. Captain Code

    Leopard Menubar button delete

    Hold Command+Click and drag it out of there.