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  1. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bizarre Safari Behavior

    I'm not sure what the problem is exactly but I guess you removed the profile because it looks fine to me. Safari is the only browser that honours colour profiles. Firefox does not.
  2. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    Axlin, Many people have found that if you wait a while(5+ minutes) eventually the drive will show up and allow you to install. No one outside of Apple seems to know why yet but it should work if you give it time.
  3. Captain Code

    According to Apple: Time Machine "behaves correctly"

    A while ago(before the GM build) I submitted a bug to Apple about how Time Machine wouldn't work any more with AFP mounted volumes and it had in the past worked. Now they've just informed me that in order for it to work, the AFP volume must be on Leopard Server, and the share point must have...
  4. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Enable Time Machine backups on unsupported volumes: defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1 Use at your own risk. I'm trying it now over AFP.
  5. Captain Code

    Help needed: keyword search in Safari Leopard

    You can set your DNS servers to use OpenDNS. It has some automatic stuff like if you enter in just "word" it'll go to "".
  6. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    Well, I don't listen to my own advice but I don't really mind having to work around things. I was running the developer betas and got sick of 2 partitions so I ran the beta full time. But I only use it for school, not making money.
  7. Captain Code

    Accessing NSTextView String value

    For IBActions, I like to think of it as where does the message go when you click the button? It goes from the button(or whatever you're clicking on) to the controller class. So you drag from the button to the controller. IBOutlet is like an outlet from your controller(you're always...
  8. Captain Code

    Accessing NSTextView String value

    You need to use NSOpenPanel. There's also a corresponding NSSavePanel for getting the save location. It's important to note NSOpenPanel doesn't actually open anything itself, it just allows you to get paths to files to open. NSOpenPanel *open = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; //you can...
  9. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    CS3 works for me but I don't actually use it that much so I can't say that everything works. Photoshop launches and works for what I've used it for. You really need to check before installing an OS update that all your applications are going to work though, especially on a machine you make...
  10. Captain Code

    Accessing NSTextView String value

    Sorry for the typo, I didn't write it in XCode which would have made a beep at me for forgetting the [. Are you using XCode 3 on Leopard? It's link to IB is a little better than in 2.4.x but I find it's still a little cumbersome. Not quite as integrated between the GUI development and the...
  11. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    I'm over stacks as well. They're useless for putting your Applications folder there. Now I just use Spotlight as an app launcher. I do use QuickLook quite a bit especially for ppt and doc files because office apps take forever to launch.
  12. Captain Code

    mds keeps taking over my system since Leopard!

    Hmm, well it shouldn't be taking that long. You can disable it by dragging your whole hard drive to the privacy list under the Spotlight preferences. It could be there's some corrupted files that Spotlight has trouble indexing. Every now and then I've heard of things like that happening.
  13. Captain Code


    Yep, and the reason is spammers kept coming here with seemingly legitimate posts but spam links in their signatures.
  14. Captain Code

    List the problems you've run into with Leopard

    We have a Leopard bugs thread. Please post there instead I've copied your post to that thread so no need to repost it there.
  15. Captain Code

    mds keeps taking over my system since Leopard!

    How long has it been running for? It's the Spotlight indexer and you have to let it run for a while if you want to be able to use Spotlight. It shouldn't take more than a few hours at the most.
  16. Captain Code

    Accessing NSTextView String value

    Hi, yeah you're right I think that was an error actually. NSString doesn't have a stringValue function, NSTextField does. So stringWithString takes an NSString pointer which you can get from the NSTextField with [textField1 stringValue]. If you wanted to do it without creating all the...
  17. Captain Code

    Time Machine - finding a network drive

    So far I haven't been able to get it to work on network volumes. I've tried putting the invisible file on the drive, doing all the permissions changes to it etc. I've also tried creating a sparsebundle disk image on the AFP volume and doing the same...
  18. Captain Code

    Two things that Safari *should* do

    Err, Safari does allow you to reopen all windows that were open before you quit it. History>Reopen all windows from last session.
  19. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Did you miss the "Store password in Keychain" checkbox? It's checked by default. I just created a 256 bit AES encrypted disk image and it worked fine for me. But I unchecked store password in keychain so it of course prompts me for the password.
  20. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    It's only a problem with AOL's IMAP it seems.