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  1. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    None will work on a G3 as Leopard requires an 867 MHz G4 at the minimum. Some PhotoBooth effects require an Intel CPU. The G5 should be just fine for nearly everything. All the Core technologies are scalable and automatically work on the available GPUs and CPUs. I can't think of anything...
  2. Captain Code

    Accessing NSTextView String value

    So you have all the IBOutlets for all your NSTextField correct? To access the text from an individual text field: NSString* value1 = [textField1 stringValue]; //...etc Then, to do all the concatenation to a new string: //this is to make it easier to follow, you could do it all in...
  3. Captain Code

    Leopard Server on new Mac Mini?

    You can try XPostFacto, but it doesn't appear to work with Leopard yet. I'm sure it will in time Some things probably won't work though like Time Machine restoration because it uses that star field effect which requires a good GPU.
  4. Captain Code

    10.5: clean, archive or upgrade?

    Yeah, Application Enhancer that injects code into running applications. Can't see how that would cause problems on a new OS ;)
  5. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    There's no StarWars effect like they previewed. That was probably the most fun one IMO. But maybe they ran into copyright problems with Lucas Studios. Some Photo Boot effects require an Intel Mac for some reason: Photo Booth requires an iSight camera (built-in or external), USB video...
  6. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    I was having some annoying problems where I would keep getting logged out of websites. So far so good after the keychain update, but I also reset Safari, and I wouldn't think that keychain had much to do with keeping me logged in, only for saved passwords.
  7. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    I found this Seems like it's to do with RSS feeds.
  8. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Input Managers are gone in Leopard. Inquisitor doesn't work along with many other things. Unless they find a different way of doing it they may never be Leopard compatible. Apple says this is for security reasons.
  9. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    OK, I don't see why you couldn't read a dual layer dvd disk. If you can play any hollywood movie on it you can use it to install Leopard.
  10. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    How old is your DVD drive? All DVD-ROMs that I know of can read dual layer disks, just all dvd burners can't always burn dual layer disks.
  11. Captain Code

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Mozy. It's still in beta and is a little flaky under Leopard.
  12. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    I have a PPC G5 tower but I have to make sure nothing(software) will break because it's my dad's computer that he uses for work.
  13. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    I'm not sure about the notes feature but I think it'll be here soon, maybe next Tuesday we'll see 10.5.1. I think some things from the 300 feature list were still too buggy for the release.
  14. Captain Code

    Leopard family pack: PowerPC and Intel?

    Well it's the same thing as, can you share an install disk with your whole town? Yes you can, no Apple will not like you if you do, although there's no way to enforce it through the OS. The family license is for 5 computers in the same house and FAMILY not supposed to be your neighbours unless...
  15. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    BTW, if you have any specific questions, post them here and I'll answer them if I can.
  16. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    Ok, well now it's Friday, it's gotta be ok for sure ;) First a mini rant. Time Machine doesn't work with network drives over AFP. It worked as far back as WWDC07 preview build, but they pulled it. It worked, but had many bugs back then. The way it was supposed to work over a network is...
  17. Captain Code

    Leopard Server on new Mac Mini?

    It might be a good stop-gap solution. File sharing isn't very resource intensive but the new C2D would definitely be best to get over a G4 Mini. And an external FW drive is pretty much required otherwise you will fill up the internal laptop drive and it will be slower as well. You can...
  18. Captain Code

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    Do people who pre-ordered Leopard have it yet? I have the developer build but I'm not sure I can really say much yet even though it's only about 1 day away until the official "launch".
  19. Captain Code

    battery question

    Lithium batteries start losing capacity the moment they are manufactured, so losing capacity is to be expected.
  20. Captain Code

    Applescript for mounting AFP volumes OS 10.4.9

    There's absolutely no need to do that if you want it to auto mount on login. Just mount the shares you want and then drag them into Login Items. When the user logs in they will automatically mount assuming you are on the network. I assume this is what you want because you say you will put...