Search results

  1. chemistry_geek

    Where do you order your parts from?

    I've purchased RAM for my Blue & White G3 from Other World Computing, received a bad DIMM, returned and replaced without hassle. Today I just received my 500GB Hitachi Deskstar SATA for my PowerMac G5 Dual 2.7 GHz with 2.5 GB RAM from I am thoroughly pleased with the NewEgg...
  2. chemistry_geek

    How do I delete all the user accounts?

    I installed a "fresh" as in *NEW* Tiger installation for my friend, who provided me with his Tiger DVD. The problem with his Flower Power iMac G3 was that his 2-year old son saw daddy loading CDs into the slot loading CD drive. When daddy wasn't around, little son forced several CDs into the...
  3. chemistry_geek

    No, new products from Apple in over 5 YEARS!!

    I think that that the best video camera wouldn't use digital tape at all, but rather those tiny Hitachi hard drives inside every iPod. Unless video camera makers put one or more of these into their products, even in cartidge fassion, things will be stagnant for a while. I also think that the...
  4. chemistry_geek

    Why are Mac OS X for Intel updates larger than the corresponding PowerPC updates?

    I've noticed that the Mac OS X updates for Intel are larger than the corresponding updates for PowerPC. Does any one know the reason(s) for this?
  5. chemistry_geek

    is there a program for copying my own dvd? And how to switch between apps?

    MacTheRipper ( can extract the contents of DVDs, both commercially made and user created. Just don't use it pirate DVDs. The software specifically mentions NOT pirating DVDs, and if you value your freedom, then you won't pirate DVDs...
  6. chemistry_geek

    G4 Suddenly Shuts Down

    If you're running Tiger, download the 'iStat Pro' widget from or Apple's download page. iStat Pro will show cooling fan rpms if your computer has that information, and it will definitely show CPU temperatures. My PowerMac G5 has 9 cooling fans, all RPMs are displayed in real...
  7. chemistry_geek

    G4 Suddenly Shuts Down

    Check your cooling fans and vents. If I recall correctly, Mac OS X will shut-down the computer if it senses high temperatures on the processors or anywhere else on the logic board. I have to clean-out my PowerMac G5, Dual 2.7GHz once a month because the beast moves so much air.
  8. chemistry_geek

    Switching to Mac

    NeoOffice/OpenOffice (, is a decent FREE open source office suite with similar functionality to MS Office. Gimp ( is an open source program somewhat like Adobe Photoshop. TextWrangler ( is just...
  9. chemistry_geek

    Mac OS X 10.4.6 released...

    The startup disk may be indicated when other volumes may have the ability from which to be booted. My Mac indicates the current startup disk probably because I have several FireWire drives connected, including my 4G 40 GB iPod, from which I have booted from in the past (new USB-only 5G iPods...
  10. chemistry_geek

    Is a 500K resume too big?

    I wrote my CV/resume in NeoOffice and printed it to PDF - 4 pages long including references. The Open Office/NeoOffice .swx file is 16KB and the .PDF file is 124KB. The CV is all text (Times New Roman mostly @ 10 point, but some text is 12 point and bolded), absolutely no graphics.
  11. chemistry_geek

    Digital Photography Manipulation Questions

    I found this site: and would like to learn how to make some of my photographs look like his. I think he's doing some long exposures in combination with digital manipulations such as gaussian blur ovelays and increasing the saturation, and probably other things...
  12. chemistry_geek

    LaCie d2 External won't show up - help!

    I had an external LaCie 320GB Big Disk Extreme that failed, one of the internal hard drives failed (it's a stiped RAID array). LaCie replaced all of the components in the drive case except the drives themselves, and the drive still didn't work. I sent the drive to for data recovery...
  13. chemistry_geek

    PowerMac G5 Dual 2.7GHz CPU Temperatures & Fans Speeds

    Thank you very much Lt Major Burns. Your suggestion reduced the wind tunnel in my den to a soft summer breeze. Much appreciated!
  14. chemistry_geek

    PowerMac G5 Dual 2.7GHz CPU Temperatures & Fans Speeds

    I have a PowerMac G5 2.7GHz, 2.5GB RAM that I purchased several months ago with which I'm very pleased, but I would like to know if it is normal for the frequent roaring of the cooling fans whenever I do almost anything: start Dashboard, run the pointer along the Dock very quickly, launch a...
  15. chemistry_geek

    Firewire RAID

    I have a LaCie Big Disk Extreme 320 GB, it WAS a stripped RAID array, and one drive failed, very badly. LaCie could not repair the hard drive, apparently, a component on the circuit board of the HD failed, actually burned-out due to high heat issues (inadequate ventilation in LaCie's design)...
  16. chemistry_geek

    Open Office Install for Dummies

    Oops, my mistake, I am sincerely sorry for posting the error...
  17. chemistry_geek

    Open Office Install for Dummies

    NeoOffice was recently updated to be functionally equivalent to OpenOffice 2.0. I have both installed on my computer, but use NeoOffice because text/graphics look more Mac-like with anti-aliasing, and it uses the Command key rather than the Control key. Other than those differences, they seem...
  18. chemistry_geek

    MPEG1 Playback on Quicktime 7

    Try using the open source VLC Media Player, available on many platforms, it plays DVDs, Windows Media files, MPEG, MPG, etc...
  19. chemistry_geek

    Slow computer...

    It would be nice if someone who is very skillful (not me) with the command line and shell scripts write specific instructions for running any known/existing shell scripts inherent to MacOSX that maintain optimizations, even setting them up as cron jobs. On the weekends, if I remember, I run the...
  20. chemistry_geek

    eye floaties

    Google is your friend - "causes of floaters in the eyes" I am nearsighted and hypoglycemic, and through the years more have appeared in my field of vision. If you're diabetic that can cause them too. Just go see an eye doctor t orule out serious...