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  1. Giaguara

    Flash is hiding cookies on your Mac

    the Download Now button on Macupdate should have it still.
  2. Giaguara

    Any Parental Control Software for Mac?

    Why do you need a keylogger in the first place?
  3. Giaguara

    Prepaid minutes on iPhone 3G?

    Where are you? Different countries offer different pre-pay options. In US I've used AT&T go&pay since 2009. $25 added will last for 90 days, and unused will carry over as long as I charge again within 90 days. I only bought the go&pay card, and it's been used with iPhone first gen, then 3, 3G...
  4. Giaguara

    27" iMac watt consume

    For two recent iMacs the figures would go 2.7 GHz or 3.1 GHz i5 27", current 27" models: For the model before it, Power: 241 Watts
  5. Giaguara

    Buying Advice. When to buy.

    There will always be an updated model, eventually. But as you can get the student discount... usually around when the schools starts in fall there's some sort of back to school discount. Sometimes it's been a discount, sometimes an added iPod etc. It might be worth to wait a bit to see if...
  6. Giaguara

    Olympics - London 2012

    The last olympcis I remember enjoying were the ones in LA - I was small, and remember mostly being allowed to be awake in the hours they were broadcast - very early hours after midnight in Europe. After that, maybe something in Seoul... and that's about it. So I didn't watch this year's (or...
  7. Giaguara

    trouble transferring files from PowerMac G4 to G5

    Would target disk mode be an option for you?
  8. Giaguara

    Urgent Help With Safari Caches

    The only way would be to have taken screenshots and/or saved the page when you were doing the booking. A bit late perhaps for your case now, but it does not hurt to do (just like when buying something bigger). What site did this happen on? I had a similar problem years ago with ebookers -...
  9. Giaguara

    Genius tablet drivers

    It would be different if the arguments in the thread were "buy an Audi or something more expensive than an Audi" when the problem was getting an iPod to work in a car (that was a 27 year old Toyota with an impressive mileage, and if it happened now. But it's not about being a snob about a car or...
  10. Giaguara

    iCloud issue

    Hmm... would dragging those files work in Evernote? At least it syncs everything else (text, images, pdf etc) between them. Or
  11. Giaguara

    hiding my ip address

    You can't not have an IP, so what you want is to have an IP that is unrelated to you. Here are some proxies you could set your computer to use to appear to be in another location:
  12. Giaguara word association!

  13. Giaguara

    Okay. Home page different on three computers. Perplexed

    You're probably using an older browser than ShareThis supports. It would need Safari 5.1 or higher (that version of Safari seems to require OS X 10.6.8 or news)