Search results

  1. Giaguara

    Do u remember your first cellphone?

    My first phone was one of these. Horrible battery life. Which is why I sold it after less than a year. The second one was a Nokia 5000, a 2110 clone (same functions, but uglier and cheaper). Then I think a Nokia 3110, then a 3330, and that I then changed with a friend to a Ericsson T-39M, as...
  2. Giaguara word association!

  3. Giaguara

    Do you miss your childhood?

    That's some rough time as a kid, Satcomer. :(
  4. Giaguara

    Do you miss your childhood?

    I hated being (treated as) a child. I'd hate being a child forever, especially if it also meant having to go thru the childhood with my parents again and again, with everything THEY wanted in my life. Thanks but I'm much happier now. If the past seems romantic or idyllic because it was simpler...
  5. Giaguara

    What game do you play on your ipad?

    Some of the games I currently have on my iOS devices: (Most are free) Happy Street Pocket Planes Tiny Tower Pocket Frogs Pixel People I also still have and used to play these, but rarely do any more: Japan Life Trade Nations (to fill the void left after We Rule went extinct) Tapped Out...
  6. Giaguara

    The new Mac Pro & OS X 10.9

    From the pictures Mac Pro looked like a giant - impossible to tell the size, so it looked much more like an air humidifier sized than a Mac Mini sized. But it should be definitely smaller than the first one... I know someone who wants one :) The code name "Mavericks" is horrible. I don't...
  7. Giaguara word association!

  8. Giaguara

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I'm definitely not a fan of SUVs either. The more I see annoyingly and purposelessly (unless the point is to make the fat driver to look less fat when they are next to an oversized car? Anyway, there are a lot of those giant cars here) huge cars, the more I like the tiny ones. Like the Smart. Or...
  9. Giaguara

    Safari 5.0.6 will not launch on my ppc with OS 10.5.8

    I see it's a bit late now (since you probably did the install already) :( but quickly checking the threads (after now being back home from travel), apart of the application enhancer stuff I see 8]): posix_spawn("/Applications/", ...): No such file or...
  10. Giaguara

    Mail App Not Working .....

    Do you get anything in Mail's Connection Doctor or Activity? (from Mail -> Window) Or in the logs? (/Applications/Utilities/ -> Console) (like for logs - there should be also more about those errors you got in Eudora. At least those seem to be related to the server, but DeltaMac's...
  11. Giaguara word association!

  12. Giaguara

    Reality check

    Huh, everyone's been quiet recently? I see no reason why a generic one wouldn't work. So if you still are wondering which one to get, pick one of those generic ones with a pretty case or some other criteria. I've got still some old cases that were also whatever they had available at Fry's, so...
  13. Giaguara

    Google Fiber

    Austin's getting Fiber too. Can't wait to not have Time Warner Cable.
  14. Giaguara

    What game do you play at a dinner party?

    Does foodie hipstering count as a game for a dinner party? Like Foodspotting or posting some artsily blurry shots at Instagram?
  15. Giaguara

    Details of New Mac OS!11!!Eleventy!

    And there I was, already waiting for Mac OS XI, Elephant... (gray, huge, and bloated)
  16. Giaguara

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Try at thewhiskeyplace - they have Paddy's and ship it mostly anywhere. (I'm not bothering to put a full link to that as I pretend it'll keep the readers younger than the legal drinking age where they live from finding it, ... you'll find it anyway). Your friend might like to order it from there...
  17. Giaguara

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Pandora, with Röyksopp as the channel. (Yes, I'm lame, I discovered Röyksopp from 'Eple', in 10.2 or 10.3? setup assistant).
  18. Giaguara

    Reformatting and restoring from a time machine backup

    Time machine backup applied on a clean Mac OS X installation should get everything as it was. (Except apps that use installers and/or add kernel extensions, so e.g. VMware Fusion or Parallels will still need to be reinstalled, as they cannot function without the missing kext bits that the TM...
  19. Giaguara

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Triple Jameson too. Talking about whiskey (as it's soon Paddy's day), I was struggling for quite a while here in the south to find Paddy's whiskey. It's made by Jameson distillery, and it's a Cork thing. So far in the US I only found it at an airport tax free at JFK and somewhere in Boston and...