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  1. Giaguara

    My workspaces....

    I'd swear, there's something happening with the phones (not just with iPhones). They all come with great picture taking capacity. Then as soon as the next model you want is out there, they all suddenly are blurry and look like they have instagram built-in (for the picture quality).
  2. Giaguara

    Ie need for web site thats all they use

    If you need Internet Explorer, you have a few options. There's still the old, old one for Mac OS X. But you'd need a PPC based really old Mac. Like Mac OS X 10.3 or even earlier. If you have one of those around, you can install Mac OS X version of IE 5.2.2. Which is ancient and a far cry from...
  3. Giaguara word association!

  4. Giaguara

    Network Multi-Booting for Mac Lab

    Most thin clients are rather simple for their specs, so the ones you have might just work fine with View. Then again, if you had iMacs already... netboot/ASR might work well for you. I would guess you're looking for some images that can simply be cloned for an environment and then erased or...
  5. Giaguara

    Network Multi-Booting for Mac Lab

    I'd advocate for VMware View for the thin client system However, to virtualize Mac OS X systems... Mac OS X nowadays is allowed to be virtualized - but only if it's running still on Apple hardware. So if you are essentially hosting the Mac OS X...
  6. Giaguara

    The Shard

    Or you should see any US city where there's a tiny bit of center and where the suburbs continue for miles and miles. Where you can't really walk anywhere. Take any modern US city (built since the cars have established themselves - or just take any city outside San Francisco, New York, Chicago...
  7. Giaguara

    10.7.4 security concern

    noodles, for extra safety, you might want to create yourself a non-administrator user and use that for your daily tasks. Private browsing mode for sure for any ... umm, special browsing. There are also a lot of Safari extensions for privacy and security nowadays (as there are for other...
  8. Giaguara

    Fanboyism and Brand Loyalty

    I felt the same way, macleuser, when they switched to Intel processors. Since the Macs are way more common... and, well, Apple dropped the computer from its name and turned to all new products too, Apple TVs, iPhones, iPads... it's not the same. Somehow. I'm not as passionate as I used to be...
  9. Giaguara

    Excessive Data usage

    If you're concerned about any possible other company tracking your logs like Carrier IQ did a while back, you'll just want to have all those options for sending the logs set to OFF.
  10. Giaguara word association!

  11. Giaguara

    Best Security Suite for Mac OSX???

    It sounds like the same type of bait to me, ElDiablo. The newcomer to the Mac world asking for help in software recommendations for antivirus/security/Photoshop replacement/game/DVD ripping/other type of common software which has behind it a huge industry behind it, creating financial incentives...
  12. Giaguara

    No headphones output

    If you see no action in System Preferences when you plug in the headphones in its place, you might also want to try to reset the PRAM of the Mac to see if that could force the hardware to see it.
  13. Giaguara

    Anyone been there ?

    Well, they opened close to where I live too like a month ago. And also this time they were handing out or shuffling some concert tickets to the first people in the store. For a t-shirt I might have gone to queue for the opening (for the sake of it), but for a concert ticket of something I don't...
  14. Giaguara

    PowerMac G5 crashes randomly...

    At least you had got it with Newegg's (some) warranty, so it's nice to know it got solved with the new unit. (Even if it would have been "simply" just corrupted map of the HD that could have been solvable by formatting and clean installing everything on the HD, for the work machine that would of...
  15. Giaguara

    Black lines all over macbook screen?

    Yes, it is worth to fix it as the replacement screen should be way less than a new screen. As an alternative or meanwhile workaround for the new screen, would you have an external screen (plus keyboard and mouse) to use with your laptop? That way you could still use the computer and see the full...
  16. Giaguara

    MBP screen goes blank

    What size hard drive? How much total space, and how much empty space on the HD? Is there anything happening in Console when the blank screen and hiccup happens?
  17. Giaguara word association!

  18. Giaguara

    Please Help Update my Mac 10.4.11

    If your iMac is an Intel-based one, you can also use this method to get Snow Leopard. Check in the System Profiler ( -> about this Mac...) if...
  19. Giaguara

    What is "apple-scc-20120126-112417"?

    SecureClient and other tunneling software would (usually) only be installed when they are needed; in yours it does indeed look like the trojan instead. Little Snitch is good to have (and when it's doing all the monitoring of outbound and inbound traffic, you're good). Whatever any suspicious...