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  1. Z

    resolution independence in Lion?

    Did this feature come up finally in Lion?
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    everything is so small on my new 27" iMac

    Im very happy with my new 27" iMac, theres just one thing im having issues with, its the very small text font sizes. Many apps have this issue and i dont know if it can be fixed. I mean, take for example Adobe apps in CS5, in Phsop the pallete fonts are so small that they are not be easily seen...
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    larger font size in skype

    how can i make the chat text bigger in skype? im not referring to the conversation window but to the text input, any idea on how to change this? i have the 27" iMac and must say that text sizes are an issue
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    icons chaos went in order

    Is there someplace else i can notify of this issue cause having posted it so long in here without a solution to be found, kinda sounds to me like a bug, don't you think?
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    icons chaos went in order

    might there be some other reason for this? it just happened again!
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    icons chaos went in order

    why use SMARTReporter? wont disk utility check do?
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    icons chaos went in order

    and if it does? then what would you suggest? although i tried it and it appears to be OK
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    icons chaos went in order

    check it? how do you mean?
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    deactivating a proxy server warning in iTunes

    how can i get itunes to stop asking me for Proxy Authentication? Everytime i click on an mp3 to make it play i get this message: To access this site you need to log into the proxy server ....... Can i deactivate this warning?
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    icons chaos went in order

    thats how things are now and thats how they were before :D
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    icons chaos went in order

    i like my desktop icons scattered and organized customly (the way i want them to) so as you can understand i have an icon chaos on my desktop and thats the way i like it, but this is the 2nd time that when i opened my iMac the chaotic arrangement of my icons was put in order and guess what i...
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    installing Leopard on PowerBook

    Hold on guys, we have taken this issue to another level, very very professional. ok i think my questions have been answered, so a clean Leopard installation by erasing/formatting the drive, can be done and without any issues whatsoever, because nothing strange can appear in such installations...
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    installing Leopard on PowerBook

    enough free space? but why would free space be an issue? i will erase all the data on the disk anyway, cant i do that while beeing in the installer?
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    installing Leopard on PowerBook

    so that is the only problem i might face when making the installation? or might there be another issue when Leopard meets Powerbook G4 1.67ghz?
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    installing Leopard on PowerBook

    Ok thanx for the carefully explained info, now let me ask this... supposedly i have the gray disk, if i try to boot using it in a different mac, other than the one i came with, will it boot?
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    installing Leopard on PowerBook

    My Powerbook G4 is at 1.67Ghz so i take it that it would be fine! Now, if i remember correctly the guy that gave me that Powerbook had told me that he installed Leopard on it by some special way and not normally. Can this be true? Also while the OS is starting, the screen looks like a DOS...
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    toast image to dmg

    Its not some secret plan that im keeping it a secret, not at all, i just want to gather a few files that are scattered here and there and want to make an archive of image files just so that everything will be in order. And of course i want themto be as compatible/"universal" as possible so that...
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    toast image to dmg

    so without using any other apps (e.g. DiskUtility) i can just make a file extension rename from .toast to .dmg or .iso and all is ok? and one more thing why .dmg wont work on all macs as you say?
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    protect from dust

    thanx looks interesting, it be great if it could cover the whole aluminum case and the keyboard/mouse stored under the iMac